Home Magazine Fernando Gorini – Promoter of the Steel Programs Concept

Fernando Gorini – Promoter of the Steel Programs Concept

Fernando Gorini predand clase de fitness

Interview with Fernando Gorini, international fitness presenter for over 15 years.

Originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina, he is the creator of the Steel Programs training concepts, present today in over ten countries in Europe, Latin America, the Middle East

How did the idea of creating Steel Programs come about?

The concept of Steel Programs originated in Spain in 2008. At that time, I was working for a major fitness company in Argentina, and it was a turning point when I felt the need to create something that represented me and bring a new proposal to Europe. It wasn’t easy because Europe was, and still is, a place where Step and aerobic classes are the main focus in the most important fitness conventions. In 2013, I received an offer to bring Steel Programs to Romania. That was also a second birth for Steel. We established the company headquarters here and adapted the program structures to focus more on functional training, with simpler and more dynamic classes and choreography, supported by a solid educational system and important organizations in the industry (European Fitness Association, Federazione Italiana Fitness). The main objective of Steel is to provide fitness instructors with an easy-to-use and reliable tool. Once instructors complete our courses, they can teach Steel classes in any gym without the need for that gym to pay any monthly or annual license fees.

Why Steel? How was this name chosen?

I love this question! When I thought about the name of the company, it had to be something easy to remember, write, and, above all, it had to mean something.

When we think of the word “Steel,” we can find it in many things.

In the world of superheroes, Man of Steel is Superman. Tougher, more intense workouts are called “steel workouts,” and of course, steel represents a solid, strong, and versatile material. Steel is part of the structure of buildings, streets; it is the skeleton that holds up so many constructions. All these things gave me the idea of associating this resilient and flexible material with the vision of the company. We offer instructors a flexible tool that can adapt to everyone’s needs. Steel can be that piece in our lives that makes us feel stronger, more tenacious, and changes our lives for the better.

What training programs does Steel Programs offer? Who is the target audience?

Currently, we have four training programs. STEEL COMBAT, based on adapted techniques from combat sports; STEEL TONIC, functional training; STEEL TRAINING, toning training with bars and discs; STEEL JUMP, which utilizes a trampoline as an accessory. Overall, our programs are aimed at all healthy individuals, meaning those who do not have any restrictions from a doctor to perform certain movements or intense workouts. Each Steel program has its identity and objectives, catering to the training preferences of different fitness enthusiasts. Some resonate more with Steel Combat, others find that they achieve their fitness goals more effectively through Steel Training or Steel Tonic, while others discover true joy in participating in Steel Jump classes.

Fernando Gorini antrenament de lupte

What do you expect from Steel Programs instructors?

I will say here what I also tell the instructors who attend our courses. Instructors need to fully realize the mission and responsibility they have. Those who come to a gym, to an instructor’s class, come FOR that instructor. The reality is that 90% of participants cannot truly differentiate between one class and another. If an instructor teaches Steel Combat, Tae-Bo, or a similar class, participants won’t know the differences in the structure of each proposal. Therefore, the instructor has the mission to respect the structure and identity of the programs, to represent the program as it was conceived and created, based on well-defined physiological and training principles, where participant safety is paramount. They need to know how to identify the needs of their group and use the training program to fulfill those needs. The instructor also needs to understand the importance of continuous education, which is why our system offers workshops and regular updates to keep instructors informed about the progress and innovations in the programs they represent. Lastly, they need to have confidence in themselves and be passionate. These are things that participants immediately detect and are the “seduction” weapons of any instructor.

What are your future plans?

I am focused on growing the Steel Programs company. This doesn’t just mean increasing the number of Steel instructors. I am interested in continuously improving our products. We have already made significant strides in the evolution of these programs. We have confidence in what we offer because we are based on a solid and intelligent structure, work with quality music, and have the support and recognition of important institutions in the field. It requires a lot of effort and hard work behind the Steel concepts, but what we want to be seen and felt, first and foremost, is the joy and passion for what we do, which we hope will also infect those who come into contact with our workouts.

How can instructors and sports enthusiasts find out about Steel events?

Anyone can find new information about Steel Programs by visiting our website, www.steelprograms.com, or the Steel Programs Facebook page. There, you can learn about the courses or workshops we organize and the fitness conventions where the Steel instructor team participates.

Written by
Bianca Marcarov

" Fosta sportiva de performanta in cadrul sectiei de atletism a Clubului Sportiv Dinamo Bucuresti, Bianca Marcarov a excelat in probele de viteza, obtinand medalii si titluri la nivel national si international. Printre cele mai importante titluri castigate se numara: dubla campioana nationala la juniori in probele de 60 m si 200 m in 2003, campioana balcanica la juniori in proba de stafeta 4x100m – 2003 si este castigatoarea Campionatelor Internationale ale Libanului in proba de 100 m. Atrasa fiind de orice forma de miscare Bianca a absolvit Academia Nationala de Educatie Fizica si Sport - sectia Kinetoterapie, a urmat cursurile Masterale in Nutritie si Remodelare Corporala si de asemenea, a urmat studii Postuniversitare de Preparator Fizic in cadrul aceleeasi universitati. De la o varsta frageda venind in contact cu sportul, acesta a ramas parte constanta a vietii ei, transformându-se intr-un job minunat - Group Fitness Instructor - începând cu anul 2008. Pe parcursul anilor a acumulat diverse experiente profesionale, cu instructori din întreaga lume. Cursurile de miscare constienta si dans, biodanza, reiki sunt doar câteva dintre activitatile practicate in timpul liber. Bianca este fost formator al Federatiei Romane Sportul Pentru Toti si instructor al conceptelor Steel Programs in Romania si nu numai. De-a lungul timpului a obtinut numeroase certificari in Romania si in strainatate si a fost presenter in cadrul conventiilor organizate in Bulgaria, Italia, Mexic, Romania. In prezent preda Steel Jump si este instructor de Aerobic, Step, Dance, Rebound, Functional Training, Steel Tonic, Steel Training, Pilates, Yoga (absolventa Yoga Alliance 200 H Hatha Yoga Teacher Training / Daanasana School of Yoga). Deschisa spre cunoasterea completa a omului, dorind sa se dezvolte in aceasta directie, in 2016 Bianca si-a indreptat atentia spre facultatea de psihologie.  “Cine sunt eu? ... Eu sunt! Iubesc viata, complexitatea ei, a noastra, a întregului Univers. Iubesc ritmul ... ritmul muzicii, ritmul emotiilor, ritmul naturii … Am învatat si învat in continuare despre corp, minte, suflet. Experimentez … cu corpul, cu mintea, cu sufletul. Am învatat si învat in continuare despre mine, despre noi, despre viata. Calatoresc, citesc si scriu intotdeaua cu drag: https://www.facebook.com/Simply-Bianca-Marcarov-1524706764421068/” "

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