Home Magazine CrossFit exercises practiced outdoors or at home

CrossFit exercises practiced outdoors or at home

Exerciții CrossFit

Concentration and discipline are indispensable for succeeding in any training program, regardless of the environment in which we practice it.

CrossFit is a fitness concept based on a circuit system with functional movements performed at high intensity. It is a sport suitable for all ages, as exercises can be adapted to each fitness level.

One of the major advantages of CrossFit is its versatility, as it can be practiced in specialized gyms, at home, or outdoors.

Choosing CrossFit for Training

Exerciții CrossFit

Exerciții CrossFit

CrossFit is an excellent choice when we want to train and stay active.

Adapting to New Circumstances

In this period of change from our usual routines, we have had to adapt to the current conditions. Having extensive experience in CrossFit as a performance athlete and personal trainer, I used to spend most of my time in the gym. Transitioning from the equipped gym setting to home workouts was not easy, but the necessity due to the current context proved to be effective, allowing me to continue my training routine successfully.

A performance athlete’s objectives are generally different from those of someone exercising for maintenance or well-being. However, this does not exclude setting new goals to support training and putting them into practice.

Constant CrossFit Practice for a Healthy Lifestyle

Practicing CrossFit regularly offers a healthy lifestyle, preventing cardiovascular diseases, improving mental health, and contributing to increased self-esteem.

To make home or outdoor workouts easier, I will share some general tips and a well-structured set of exercises.

Exerciții CrossFit

Tips and Tricks for Effective Workouts

  1. Setting a goal will greatly help us maintain motivation and determination, essential elements for a consistent workout routine.
  2. Sleep is crucial as it helps us retain the necessary energy for exercising. All studies show that adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
  3. Proper hydration is essential for our health, as every cell in the body requires water. Start your day with a fresh glass of water.
  4. Choose to consume healthy foods rich in macronutrients. These provide the energy needed for daily activities.
  5. Syncing with your body’s internal clock is vital for optimal performance and well-being. Learn the best times for waking up, meals, work, exercise, rest, and sleep.
  6. Set up a designated space at home for your workout sessions.
  7. Even if you’re at home wearing comfortable and loose clothes, try not to use them when exercising. Using workout equipment will improve focus and determination.
  8. Music has a positive impact on the psyche. So, prepare a playlist with motivating tunes for your workout.
  9. To achieve your set goals, it is crucial to create a workout plan. Through it, you will successfully complete all your workouts at home or outdoors and observe your progress.
  10. Routine and discipline are essential elements of success. Create a consistent workout routine for yourself.

Let’s Begin the Workout!

Every workout starts with a general warm-up, including joint warm-ups and active warm-ups, a short circuit of low to medium intensity.

For the active warm-up, I propose the following exercises:


  • 3 Rounds
  • 20 Jumping Jacks
  • 10 Inch Worms
  • 10 Air Squats

Jumping Jacks

From a standing position with hands by our sides, we perform a jumping motion with legs spread wide and arms extended above the head simultaneously, then return to the starting position. The movement is continuous and fluid.

Exerciții CrossFit

Exerciții CrossFit

Inch Worms

From a plank position with palms at shoulder level and legs extended, without bending the knees, we bring the feet as close to the palms as possible, then return to the plank position.

Air Squats

From a standing position with legs apart at shoulder-width and toes slightly pointing outward, with a straight back, open chest, and tightened abdomen, we flex our knees and lower our hips backward into a full squat position, then return to the starting position. The angle between the thighs and calves is 90 degrees.

After this medium-intensity circuit, we proceed with a 10-15 minute stretching session to prepare the muscles and joints for the upcoming workout.

Exerciții CrossFit

Skill Stage

This stage focuses on the technical aspect of the training.

Side Lunges with Strict Press

4 Sets: 6 repetitions on each arm

Side lunges are an effective exercise for the lower body, particularly the leg and glute muscles, and they help improve balance.

Begin the exercise with the feet placed significantly wider than shoulder-width apart, with toes slightly pointing outward. Shift your body weight from one leg to the other, bending the knee and lowering the hips backward until a 90-degree angle is formed between the thigh and calf, while the other leg remains extended.

Maintain a straight trunk, open chest, tightened abdomen, and hold a dumbbell at shoulder level with one arm, with the elbow slightly raised in front of the body. As you flex one leg, maintain the position for a few seconds with the other leg extended and the trunk straight, then raise the dumbbell above the head.

Perform 6 repetitions on each arm for 4 sets. Rest for 2 minutes between sets.

Exerciții CrossFit

After completing the exercises in the skill stage, we take a short break to hydrate and prepare for the second stage, the actual workout: WOD – Workout Of the Day.

WOD – Workout Of the Day

The WOD is timed, and the goal is to achieve the best and shortest time possible!

  • 5 Rounds
  • 14 Dumbbell Thrusters
  • 7 Burpees
  • 14 Sit-Ups

Dumbbell Thrusters

Dumbbell thrusters involve squatting with the dumbbells raised above the head.

From a standing position with feet at shoulder-width, the dumbbells are placed on the shoulders with elbows slightly in front of the body. With a straight back, open chest, tightened abdomen, flex the knees until they form an angle below 90 degrees. Then, push through the heels to rise up while performing a triple extension – hip, knee, and arm – lifting the dumbbells above the head.


Burpees are a full-body exercise used in both strength training and aerobic workouts.

From a standing position, perform a quick squat, touch the palms to the ground, extend the legs backward through a jump, touch the chest to the ground, push off the palms to quickly transition through a plank position, bring the knees toward the chest, and jump up with arms raised above the head.


From a horizontal position with arms extended above the head, bent knees, and feet close together, keep the lower back on the ground. Raise the trunk using the tightened abdomen, and touch the feet with the palms. Return to the starting position, rolling the spine on the ground, vertebra by vertebra, while maintaining tension in the abdomen.

Exerciții CrossFit

Exerciții CrossFit

After completing the exercises in the WOD stage, we conclude the workout session with stretching.

Good luck with your workout!

Written by
Alexandra Ojog

"Sunt mama, atleta de crossfit, personal trainer, dar, mai înainte de toate acestea, sunt o femeie curajoasa si norocoasa deoarece am realizat si înteles, în acelasi timp ca toate evenimentele din viata mea, atât cele frumoase, cât si cele mai putin placute reprezinta lectii pe care care trebuie sa le deprind cu scopul de a învata lucruri noi si de a ma ajuta sa evoluez ca om. Sunt mama unui baietel minunat de 5 ani si 9 luni si pot marturisi ca odata cu venirea lui pe lume viata mea s-a schimbat enorm! Pentru a-i oferi copilului un mediu armonios si linistit, cu cinci ani în urma am luat decizia de a ma implica singura în cresterea lui si acest lucru m-a determinat sa-mi concentrez atentia asupra sportului. Dorinta de a fi o mamica sanatoasa, atât din punct de vedere mental, cât si fizic, si dorinta de a-mi educa copilul într-un mod frumos si sanatos, au facut, deopotriva, ca viata mea sa se schimbe, cultivându-mi pasiunea pentru sport în fiecare zi. Datorita stilului de viata disciplinat, organizat, si sustinut de o alimentatie sanatoasa, am ajuns la etapa practicarii sportului de performanta. Fiind o persoana foarte  ambitioasa, determinata si competitiva, am început sa particip la numeroase competitii nationale si internationale. Printre cele mai importante titluri castigate, se regasesc: ➡️ Medalie de Bronz la Campionatele Nationale de Culturism si Fitness 2015 ➡️ Locul 1  Ultimate Smartfit Challenge (echipe) 2015 ➡️ Locul 1  Ultimate Smartfit Challenge, editia a 3-a 2016 ➡️ Fittest Women in Romania 2017  ➡️ Fittest Women in Romania 2018 ➡️ Locul 3  Romanian Throwdown 2017 ➡️ Locul 1 Uzina Cup 2016 ➡️ Locul 1 Uzina Cup 2017 ➡️ Locul 1 Uzina Cup 2018 ➡️ Locul 3 Varna Throwdown 2018 (Elite)  ➡️ Locul 2 Varna Throwdown 2019 (Masters 35-39)  ➡️ Locul 3 Istanbul Throwdown 2019 (Masters 35-39)  Pasiunea pentru sport si dorinta de a ajuta oamenii, îndrumându-i sa opteze pentru un stil de viata sanatos, “m-au împins” sa încep cariera de instructor personal în domeniul fitness-ului. Dorinta de dezvoltare personala si cea de a întelege psihologia omului, precum si de a îmbunatati felul de a comunica cu cei din jur, m-au determinat sa încep cursul de Nlp (programare neurolingvistica). Consider ca un antrenor personal trebuie sa aiba foarte multe alte aptitudini, pe lânga competentele si certificarile obtinunte. Deci, îmi place sa fiu un exemplu prin suma actiunilor mele, prin atitudinea morala si pozitiva, prin aspectul fizic. Îmi place sa fiu considerata o inspiratie!  Printre cele mai importante calitati pe care un antrenor trebuie sa le aiba, as enumera: determinarea, disciplina, silinta, curajul, perseverenta, rabdarea, morala. Consider ca pasiunea/pasiunile si obiectivele bine stabilite constituie o parte din realizarea sensului vietii!  Sunt recunoscatoare pentru toare întâmplarile din viata mea si tuturor celor care m-au ajutat!  Motto-urile care îmi calauzesc viata sunt: "Urmeaza-ti visurile!"  "Nimic nu este imposibil atunci când îti doresti cu adevarat!"    "

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