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Cellulite Enemies

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The complexity of cellulitis and the causes involved

Cellulite is a complex condition caused by a combination of factors that contribute to its appearance, and it can be treated with a variety of methods tailored to these causes.

The importance of a comprehensive treatment in the fight against cellulite

One of the first things to understand in the battle against cellulite is that its treatment requires a comprehensive and effective process. Among the known causes, we can mention nutrition, lifestyle, and even genetic factors.

Factors that can prevent and control the development of cellulite

A balanced diet based on essential foods, sufficient water intake, avoiding alcohol and tobacco, and even taking nutritional supplements with antioxidants can prevent and control the progression of cellulite.

To combat this phenomenon, it is important to consider essential elements such as sufficient rest at the right time, relaxation and recovery methods like meditation, massage, properly dosed physical activity, and any other relevant method to provide the body with an optimal framework for hormonal balance. Using appropriate cosmetic products and certified therapeutic procedures are effective solutions in the fight against cellulite. Manual massage, the use of essential oils (geranium, rosemary, lemongrass, grapefruit, and castor oil) can improve blood and lymphatic circulation, which are implicated in the appearance of cellulite.

The skin, a vital organ and the largest of the human body, maintains its aesthetic and natural appearance as close to normal as possible when it performs its functions well. The epidermis, which carries out its functions slowly, reflects this through its appearance.

Maintaining a normal body weight is also desirable to prevent cellulite. Specifically, a low percentage of body fat within normal limits is associated with less cellulite.

automasajul anticelulitic

The beneficial effects of anti-cellulite massage

Anti-cellulite massage is an adjunct in the fight against cellulite. Its effects are both local and direct, as well as distant and indirect. The mechanical action helps fulfill certain skin functions, and the distant effects are beneficial for local metabolism as well as the entire organism. Relaxation aids in optimizing the body’s recovery and hormonal rebalancing process.

Recommended techniques for anti-cellulite massage

Based on experience, I recommend that anti-cellulite massage should be a pleasant experience for the recipient. It is important for the therapist to use drainage and acupressure techniques, avoiding deep friction that targets the muscles. Many clients opt for this type of deep massage, being pleased if the result involves the appearance of bruises, considering it an indication that the massage will have the desired effect. Unfortunately, however, a massage that causes bruises means that it was not performed correctly and, as a result, microvascular ruptures will occur, which, if persisted, will lead to the appearance of “spider veins” that are more unsightly than cellulite.

Treatments to avoid and the importance of exfoliation

I recommend avoiding treatments based on vacuum maneuvers that provide quick results but, unfortunately, over time, lead to loss of skin firmness. Skin firmness is provided by collagen and elastin fibers that keep the five layers of the skin as united as possible. Aspirating these fibers using a vacuum weakens their capacity. Drainage maneuvers should be very gentle, with a pressure of about 20 grams (equivalent to the weight of 5 sheets of paper) to help lymph eliminate toxins and excess water.

The importance of hydration in fighting cellulite

Exfoliating the body once a week is also very important for removing dead cells. This can be done using “more natural” products available in stores that are based on salt or sugar, or using products that are already available at home, such as coffee grounds or cornmeal combined with the essential oils mentioned earlier in this article. In conclusion, to achieve the best results, it is necessary to consume 35ml of water per kilogram of body weight.

By respecting all the elements detailed above, we can say goodbye to the unsightly “orange peel” appearance.

Written by
Simona Negrila

Cu bucurie pot spune, ca fac parte din categoria oamenilor fericiti pentru care profesia înseamna pasiune si vocatie. Înca de la începutul Facultatii de Kinetoterapie am fost mai mult atrasa de ideea de a aduce confort si relaxare în vietile oamenilor si astfel tehnicile de masaj au început sa ma fascineze. Dupa multe cursuri pe care le-am urmat în România (masaj suedez, drenaj limfatic, masaj japonez) am decis sa plec si sa-mi continui studiile în alte tari, pentru a aprofunda acest domeniu fascinant. Astfel au urmat câteva cursuri în Europa, si pot afirma ca experienta de la Academia spa Steiner Londra m-a ajutat enorm în evolutia mea ca terapeut. Odata finalizat acest curs am lucrat pe cele mai luxoase vase de croaziera - o experienta care mi-a schimbat viata. În acesta perioada am realizat, ca cel mai întelept lucru ar fi sa învat tehnicile de masaj direct de la sursa pentru a deveni un terapeut cât mai bun. Pentru a-mi urma visul am decis sa plec în Thailanda, unde am patruns în fascinanta lume a masajului thailandez si unde revin în fiecare an cu placere pentru a explora tainele aceastei tehnici. Au urmat multe alte calatorii: Bali - unde masajul balinez te rasfata din cap pâna în picioare, Laos - thai yoga masajul, Vietnam - masajul vietnamez al fetei. "Ador Asia pentru cultura lor, pentru masaj si tot ceea ce are de oferit! Traiesc zilnic sentimente de bucurie dupa fiecare sedinta de masaj stiind, ca am transmis o stare de bine."

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