Home Magazine To Believe or to Know? – Medical Myths

To Believe or to Know? – Medical Myths

mituri medicale

Myths under the microscope

Scientists discover daily, through conducted studies, information regarding what is recommended or not for a healthy lifestyle. However, a vast portion of the information we read or hear about this healthy lifestyle often becomes myths due to misinterpretation of scientific data or marketing departments that sell health-related products.

In an era where knowledge is just a click away, we still tend to accept certain myths without analyzing them in more detail.

Therefore, let’s examine the following myths under the microscope:

Sexually transmitted diseases can be “contracted” from a toilet seat.

False. Unfortunately, many women believe this to be true. The chances of getting a sexually transmitted disease from a toilet seat are extremely low. The toilet seat is not a suitable environment for these microorganisms to thrive. A study conducted by microbiologist Chuck Gerba from the University of Arizona demonstrates that the toilet, including the toilet seat, is actually the cleanest area in a bathroom. “It’s our gold standard – there are not many things cleaner than a toilet seat when it comes to germs.”

Long-term use of oral contraceptives leads to infertility.

Another myth circulating among women, which leads them to avoid using this contraceptive method. Nothing could be further from the truth. Oral contraceptives temporarily put the ovaries at rest. The administration of estrogen-progestogen hormones does not affect the ovaries’ ability to resume their function when the pills are stopped. This topic has been the subject of several studies, and meta-analyses have shown that regardless of the duration of use, contraceptives do not have a negative impact on a woman’s ability to conceive.

Gluten-free products are healthier.

False. Gluten-free products have emerged as a beneficial alternative for people with intolerance and symptoms associated with consumption. Gluten is a type of protein found in cereals such as wheat, barley, rye, etc., as well as other products. Gluten is used, especially in the baking industry, due to its elasticity and extensibility properties. For individuals with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, it is recommended to completely eliminate this protein from their diet and exclusively use gluten-free products. A healthy diet does not mean excluding gluten from one’s diet; it is about balanced nutrition with fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin C prevents and cures the common cold.

Vitamin C supplements are abundant and quickly disappear from the shelves during cold periods. Unfortunately, studies have shown that this vitamin does not reduce the incidence of the common cold. However, for individuals engaged in intense physical activity, the consumption of vitamin C has halved the cases of those who developed a cold. In conclusion, for a normal person who consumes fruits and vegetables, a vitamin C supplement is not necessary.

Chocolate affects the skin.

One of the myths of adolescence is the belief that acne is somehow associated with excessive consumption of chocolate. Although increased intake of sugars and fats is associated with increased sebum production and inflammatory reactions in the body, there is no causality between consuming chocolate and the appearance of acne. Dark chocolate has many benefits for the cardiovascular system, contains antioxidants, and is recommended in diets. A balanced diet with fruits and vegetables allows us to enjoy chocolate without worrying about our skin.

Microwaved food is “unhealthy.”

A common myth in our days, when we frequently debate the quality of the products we consume, is related to their thermal preparation and how it can affect our health.

The microwave oven works by converting electricity into electromagnetic waves that stimulate the vibration and rotation of molecules in food, especially water, transforming energy into heat. Not all types of radiation are harmful (e.g., light is an electromagnetic radiation). This type of radiation is non-ionizing and has no connection to the type of radiation associated with atomic bombs and nuclear power plants.

By microwaving food, it undergoes similar changes as boiling or frying, and some studies even suggest that more nutrients are preserved because lower temperatures are used.

Before adopting an action that you consider beneficial for your health, make sure to gather accurate information!”

Written by
Ioana Visan (Calo)

" Atractia Ioanei pentru medicina a izvorat din perioada copilariei. Putini sunt cei care doresc sa devina doctori inca din scutece si se mentin pe aceeasi traiectorie pana la maturitate.  Pe langa pasiunea pentru corpul uman a manifestat interes si pentru sanatate publica, implicandu-se in campanii de voluntariat derulate de-alungul celor sase ani de Medicina Generala. A sustinut prezentari despre educatie sexuala in licee, prezentari despre cancerul de col uterin si Hpv, implicandu-se totodata in campanii de donare. A fost asistent coordonator si apoi coordonator al proiectului Anti-fumat “Smoke free days”.   Si-a perfectionat abilitatile de a comunica si interactiona cu oamenii, prioritiza task-urile si manageria proiectele participand la training-uri de dezvoltare personala: Presentation Skills, Time Management, Public Speaking, Project Management, Project Development si Organizational Management. In prezent este medic rezident pe obstetrica-ginecologie la Spitalul de Urgente Sfantul Ioan - Maternitatea Bucur. “Consider ca adevarata medicina se face cu pasiune si daruire totala. Un medic bun trebuie, sa empatizeze cu pacientii sai si sa stie sa îi asculte. Un zâmbet cald poate schimba un prognostic si asigura complianta la tratament.” "

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