Home Magazine Being Pregnant in the Time of Pandemic

Being Pregnant in the Time of Pandemic

Sănătatea femeii însărcinate în vremea pandemiei

The health of pregnant women during the pandemic

Considering the vulnerability of pregnant women to viral respiratory infections, in the following material, we will provide you with the most important information that can help pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A moderate risk of infection

Although pregnant women may be more susceptible to respiratory infections during pregnancy, recent data suggests that they do not have a higher risk of coronavirus infection compared to the general population.

In case of infection, studies show mild to moderate symptoms: cough, fever, fatigue, difficulty breathing, headache, loss of smell, and rarely, diarrhea, runny nose, or hemoptysis. However, if a pregnant woman has other associated diseases, the risk of severe infection increases. Currently, we do not have information regarding possible complications of pregnant women infected with SARS-CoV-2.

Beware of fever in the first trimester

However, it can be said that the manifestation of fever during the first trimester of pregnancy could lead to potential fetal malformations and even miscarriage, with these risks decreasing from the second trimester of pregnancy.

Increased risk of clotting

Pregnant women are prone to coagulation disorders, as pregnancy induces a state of hypercoagulability. Recent data from specialized studies show that coronavirus infection also predisposes to the same condition, thereby increasing the risk of clotting problems in pregnant women with SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Studies conducted by Chinese doctors currently demonstrate that vertical transmission of the coronavirus from mother to fetus has not been found in amniotic fluid samples or breast milk. However, infection can occur through close contact, so increased attention and strict hygiene of the mother are recommended.

Childbirth and precautions

Coronavirus infection does not prevent a mother from giving birth naturally, and this decision is based on other factors. There are specialized hospitals for pregnant women with COVID-19, and other hospitals take precautions to protect pregnant women and limit their exposure to risk factors.

In the context of the pandemic, many pregnant women are reluctant to have contact with hospital environments due to the fear of contracting the virus, resulting in poor monitoring of the progress of their pregnancy, which endangers both the mother and the fetus.

Essential preventive measures

I would like to remind you that additional measures have been taken to limit the spread of the virus. Medical personnel have special protective equipment when they come into contact with suspected cases or confirmed cases of COVID-19. Travel circuits within the departments have been reestablished, and access for family members is prohibited. Therefore, we encourage pregnant women to attend routine check-ups, but hyper-vigilance must be maintained during this period.

Recommendations for expectant mothers

The most important recommendations for expectant mothers remain the general ones, namely:

  • Wash your hands frequently;
  • Always use a tissue when sneezing or coughing, then dispose of it and wash your hands;
  • Avoid crowded spaces;
  • Avoid contact with individuals who have respiratory tract infection symptoms;
  • Avoid non-essential outings;
  • When going out, use a protective mask and maintain distance from other people on the street.

Written by
Ioana Visan (Calo)

" Atractia Ioanei pentru medicina a izvorat din perioada copilariei. Putini sunt cei care doresc sa devina doctori inca din scutece si se mentin pe aceeasi traiectorie pana la maturitate.  Pe langa pasiunea pentru corpul uman a manifestat interes si pentru sanatate publica, implicandu-se in campanii de voluntariat derulate de-alungul celor sase ani de Medicina Generala. A sustinut prezentari despre educatie sexuala in licee, prezentari despre cancerul de col uterin si Hpv, implicandu-se totodata in campanii de donare. A fost asistent coordonator si apoi coordonator al proiectului Anti-fumat “Smoke free days”.   Si-a perfectionat abilitatile de a comunica si interactiona cu oamenii, prioritiza task-urile si manageria proiectele participand la training-uri de dezvoltare personala: Presentation Skills, Time Management, Public Speaking, Project Management, Project Development si Organizational Management. In prezent este medic rezident pe obstetrica-ginecologie la Spitalul de Urgente Sfantul Ioan - Maternitatea Bucur. “Consider ca adevarata medicina se face cu pasiune si daruire totala. Un medic bun trebuie, sa empatizeze cu pacientii sai si sa stie sa îi asculte. Un zâmbet cald poate schimba un prognostic si asigura complianta la tratament.” "

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