Home Magazine Sports and Its Adaptation to Pregnancy

Sports and Its Adaptation to Pregnancy

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“Is it safe to exercise during pregnancy?”

The subject of exercising during pregnancy has been a taboo for a long time due to the controversies it has stirred. Despite this, there have always been individuals who perceived this idea as a positive one.

Changing perspectives over time

Ten years ago, I used to hear the question (legitimate, indeed) very often: “Is it advisable to exercise during pregnancy, and if so, how healthy is it for the expectant mother and the baby?” I was finally able to answer this question because in 2006, I started attending prenatal fitness classes. Since then, I have been involved in coordinating campaigns aimed at promoting the benefits of exercising during pregnancy.

Development of recommendations

Over the years, things have changed, and more and more doctors recognize and recommend exercise during pregnancy. However, the question of whether exercise is recommended during pregnancy still persists.

Different perceptions of pregnancy

Pregnancy itself is viewed from so many different perspectives. Some see it as an “illness,” others as a burden or inconvenience that distorts a woman’s body, and perhaps too few people see the beauty of this phenomenon.

Preparation for childbirth

The fear of childbirth is a fear that is ever-present among mothers and seems to be passed down from generation to generation. Considering all the existing risks, it is natural for this uncertainty and indecision about exercising during pregnancy to exist.

My recommendation is for exercise to be integrated into the period of pregnancy, and it is even desirable for expectant mothers to participate in a prenatal fitness program. I must mention that just as every person who wants to start a fitness program undergoes an analysis of their fitness level and overall health in order to adopt a suitable exercise plan, the same applies to pregnant women.

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Gymnastics for pregnant women

Before engaging in any form of exercise, they should consult a professional in the field of prenatal fitness (fitness instructors, physiotherapists, Yoga or Pilates teachers). Together with them and the attending obstetrician, a tailored fitness program can be started to meet each individual’s needs.

The benefits of exercise during pregnancy

Exercising during pregnancy does not mean preparing for the Olympics, nor does it mean engaging in breathing exercises only.

Prenatal gymnastics – the art of feeling in your body

Prenatal fitness, from my point of view, is an art. Pregnancy brings increased attention to the body. For many women, the moment they find out they are pregnant is the first impulse that leads them to adopt a healthy lifestyle, paying more attention to nutrition and making the decision to start exercising.

The importance of balance and monitoring

The fear of gaining weight during pregnancy sometimes pushes mothers to engage in intense sports programs that can be aggressive for the developing baby.

Despite these potential excesses, I strongly believe that every expectant mother should engage in fitness during pregnancy. I believe that fitness teaches us to feel our bodies, to know how to use them, and to listen to them. The better a woman knows how to listen to her body’s needs, the easier pregnancy, childbirth, and the role of being a mother will be. She will feel better in her body, know how to cope with pain and fatigue, choose the right foods for herself, and, last but not least, know when to take a break from everything, giving herself a moment of rest.

All these skills are learned only by practicing some form of movement! We are dynamic beings created for movement!

Written by
Gloria Hristina Tone

" Gloria era în ultimul an de facultate când a intrat prima data într-un cabinet de kinetoterapie, unde activitatea principala era gimnastica pentru gravide. Acolo a început calatoria ei în acest domeniu. Dupa ce stagiul de practica a luat sfârsit, Gloria a pus în aplicare cunostiintele dobândite lucrând cu femei însarcinate. La început a facut doar gimnastica, însa pe parcursul anilor a aprofundat acest domeniu. În 2011 a urmat cursul de doula, apoi în 2012 cel de yoga pentru gravide. În 2010 a început formarea în NLP Rezonanz care i-a deschis o lume noua catre sufletul sau. Asa a introdus în munca sa cu femeile însarcinate conectarea dintre minte si corp si conectarea mamelor cu bebelusul din burtica. Formarea în Remedii Florale Bach a adus în practica ei un alt element prin care a putut ajuta mamicile în devenire sa faca fata multitudinii de emotii, pe care sarcina le scoate la suprafata. În Septembrie 2015 Gloria a devenit ea însasi mamica, iar aceasta experienta i-a largit foarte mult orizontul si modul de abordare al sarcinii si mai ales a perioadei imediat urmatoare. În prezent Gloria preda clase de yoga pentru gravide, mame si bebelusi, copii si adulti, ofera sedinte de coaching unde îmbina tehnici NLP, ThetaHealing, Arterapie si Remedii Florale Bach. De asemenea sustine clase de yoga la Stejarii Country Club. "Felul în care îmi traiesc viata: privesc tot timpul partea buna a experientelor, sunt recunoscatoare zi de zi pentru ceea ce am si ma folosesc zilnic de tot ce am învatat pâna acum, pentru a face fata provocarilor pe care viata mi le aduce în cale." "

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