Home Magazine What Do I Need to Know Medically Before Becoming a Mother?

What Do I Need to Know Medically Before Becoming a Mother?

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Medical aspects to consider before birth

Becoming a parent is one of the most challenging roles a young couple can take on. If you’ve reached that point in your life where you want to get pregnant, here are some medical aspects you should consider before taking this step.

Blood Type and Rh Factor of the Mother

The term blood type (or blood group) is used to characterize an individual’s blood based on the presence or absence of an antigen on the surface of their red blood cells.

Because the antigen-antibody reaction involving blood group antigens and their specific antibodies is one of agglutination (resulting in the clumping of red blood cells), the antigens are also called agglutinogens, and the antibodies are called agglutinins. In current medical practice, the ABO and Rh systems are of particular importance. The significance of blood groups lies in indicating the compatibility or incompatibility between the donor and recipient in transfusions.

Blood group incompatibility involves the presence of natural antibodies against red blood cells that do not have the same proteins as our own cells. This represents a protective mechanism of our body against foreign bodies that, during pregnancy, can have adverse consequences. In the Rh system, the antigen (D) can be present (Rh+) or absent (Rh-) on the surface of red blood cells. Rh-negative individuals represent 15% of the European population.

Rh-negative individuals do not have natural anti-Rh antibodies; these antibodies are formed when they come into contact with Rh-positive blood.

What Does This Mean for Future Mothers?

In a couple where the woman is Rh-negative and the man is Rh-positive, nothing happens during the first pregnancy with an Rh-positive fetus. In this case, the primary immune response occurs, forming IgM antibodies that cannot cross the placenta and therefore cannot affect the fetus.

However, it is important to know that at birth, the mother undergoes sensitization through contact with fetal blood. Therefore, antibodies formed through sensitization will affect the next pregnancy if the fetus is Rh-positive, as they can cross the placenta. The incidence of hemolytic accidents due to Rh sensitization is low, accounting for 5-6% of cases. These accidents can include fetal death and fetal hydrops during pregnancy. In addition to these cases, severe neonatal jaundice, nuclear jaundice, and congenital erythroblastosis can occur. These complications can be prevented by timely detection and appropriate treatment, such as administering a product called anti-D gamma globulin after the first delivery (within 72 hours after birth). This reduces the risk of sensitization by tenfold.

Existing Health Issues

In many cases, expectant mothers do not take into account their own or their partner’s medical history when deciding to take this step. Therefore, special attention should be given to pregnant women with various cardiac conditions throughout their pregnancy. In addition to these conditions, it is important to monitor other conditions such as hypertension, hypothyroidism, obesity, diabetes, hepatitis B or hepatitis C. These conditions pose certain risks during pregnancy and afterward that can affect the fetus, so preconception counseling is recommended by the specialist who has monitored the medical history before pregnancy.

What Tests Are Done Before Getting Pregnant?

In addition to the usual tests, the doctor recommends specific screening tests, among which the most important are infectious disease screenings:

– Unimmunized women for rubella can be identified preconceptionally, and passive immunization can be performed through vaccination at least 3 months before conception to prevent congenital rubella in the newborn.
– It is recommended to identify individuals with hepatitis B or C and those infected with HIV for special therapeutic management.
– Women who want to get pregnant should be tested for toxoplasmosis, regardless of whether they have been exposed to contact with cats or undercooked meat.

Additionally, screening for vaginal bacteria and other gynecological conditions such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis is recommended to prevent complications during pregnancy.

Can I Continue to Exercise During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy does not mean being condemned to a sedentary lifestyle. Specialized physical exercise is actually recommended for pregnant women to reduce back pain and cramps that occur during pregnancy, as well as to prevent excessive weight gain. However, contact sports and physical activities with a high risk of injury should be avoided. In addition to physical activity, a balanced diet is also recommended. Certain associated conditions may contraindicate physical activity, so it is necessary to consult a specialist before deciding to engage in any sports or exercises.

What Changes Will My Body Go Through During Pregnancy?

Immediately after conception, the maternal body needs to adapt to allow fetal development. The main modifications experienced by the pregnant woman are as follows:
– Digestive system: changes in appetite, nausea, vomiting, hypersalivation, constipation, and bloating.
– Urinary system: increased frequency and decreased volume of urination, caused by the compression of the bladder by the pregnant uterus, as well as the effects of progesterone.
– Neuropsychological changes: increased emotional sensitivity, irritability, fatigue, and sleep disturbances.
– Increased fluid and sodium retention, leading to a sense of swelling, increased basal body temperature, all caused by progesterone.

In conclusion, to bring a child into the world, rigorous medical preparation combined with a responsible attitude is necessary to ensure the well-being of the newborn and create a safe and peaceful environment for the mother.”

Written by
Ioana Visan (Calo)

" Atractia Ioanei pentru medicina a izvorat din perioada copilariei. Putini sunt cei care doresc sa devina doctori inca din scutece si se mentin pe aceeasi traiectorie pana la maturitate.  Pe langa pasiunea pentru corpul uman a manifestat interes si pentru sanatate publica, implicandu-se in campanii de voluntariat derulate de-alungul celor sase ani de Medicina Generala. A sustinut prezentari despre educatie sexuala in licee, prezentari despre cancerul de col uterin si Hpv, implicandu-se totodata in campanii de donare. A fost asistent coordonator si apoi coordonator al proiectului Anti-fumat “Smoke free days”.   Si-a perfectionat abilitatile de a comunica si interactiona cu oamenii, prioritiza task-urile si manageria proiectele participand la training-uri de dezvoltare personala: Presentation Skills, Time Management, Public Speaking, Project Management, Project Development si Organizational Management. In prezent este medic rezident pe obstetrica-ginecologie la Spitalul de Urgente Sfantul Ioan - Maternitatea Bucur. “Consider ca adevarata medicina se face cu pasiune si daruire totala. Un medic bun trebuie, sa empatizeze cu pacientii sai si sa stie sa îi asculte. Un zâmbet cald poate schimba un prognostic si asigura complianta la tratament.” "

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