Home Magazine Health through movement among children

Health through movement among children

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Current Time and Importance of Yoga for Kids

The current times are different, interesting, and generate many changes to which even the educational process must adapt. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the time parents spend with their children and the importance of education and physical activity in schools.

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Yoga for Kids – A Safe Space for Self-Discovery

Regarding the time spent with the family, it is compressed, considering that in most families, both parents dedicate a lot of time to their professional lives. This aspect also leads to an increase in the number of hours children spend at kindergarten or school.

At the same time, the activities that children engage in at school multiply and require concentration and dedicated time from them. As a result, children’s free time becomes limited.

The ability of both adults and children to self-observe, feel, and understand their emotions, regardless of their nature, diminishes with each passing day in the tumult of modern life.
The solution to temper the effects of what we experience as a society, regardless of age category – adults or children, as well as the speed at which we perform and juggle things, lies in developing an interest in activities that bring us back to the normality of the past.

The Role of Teachers and the Involvement of Parents in Sports Education

One such activity dedicated to the “young members of society” is yoga for children. Yoga teachers manage, with great patience and kindness, to create a safe space for children for at least one hour. What children learn in a yoga class cannot be measured by traditional methods.

The first thing children learn about themselves is how to move their bodies. The simple fact that they can understand where their body is in relation to space, as well as develop the ability to move within their own body, supports safety and confidence in their own abilities.
An excellent example is riding a bike. This is a skill that is generally learned during childhood, and the moment when children, after a number of attempts, succeed in mastering the bike, not only brings them joy but also a sense of satisfaction and increased self-esteem.

Sănătatea prin mișcare în rândul copiilor

Positive Effects on Children’s Mood

Thus, children who constantly develop new physical skills, such as somersaults, handstands, or cartwheels, are children with a lot of confidence in their own abilities. They are children who speak in public without hesitation because they have learned how to overcome their fears. They are children who listen to and understand those around them because they have learned to control their body movements and how to relate to the surrounding space.

From an anatomical and physiological point of view, the central nervous system is responsible for transmitting impulses to the muscles to perform the necessary movement in any context. Thus, through physical activities practiced from a young age, optimal development of the central nervous system is supported.

The potential positive behavioral change in children after participating in yoga classes is correlated with the discipline required to perform the poses, as well as the education of the central nervous system. Most often, children become more cooperative and develop greater resilience in the face of physical and mental effort.

In general, parents tend to avoid exposing their children to additional physical exertion. It should be considered that this is necessary for children to facilitate harmonious development from all perspectives.
The mission of sports teachers in the current period is more challenging and more important compared to previous times. The same goes for parents’ involvement in the sports education of their children. Yoga for children develops positive behaviors, creativity, concentration power, as well as the ability to relax mentally and physically. However, any form of physical activity will contribute to the balanced growth of the child and have positive effects on their state of mind.

Written by
Gloria Hristina Tone

" Gloria era în ultimul an de facultate când a intrat prima data într-un cabinet de kinetoterapie, unde activitatea principala era gimnastica pentru gravide. Acolo a început calatoria ei în acest domeniu. Dupa ce stagiul de practica a luat sfârsit, Gloria a pus în aplicare cunostiintele dobândite lucrând cu femei însarcinate. La început a facut doar gimnastica, însa pe parcursul anilor a aprofundat acest domeniu. În 2011 a urmat cursul de doula, apoi în 2012 cel de yoga pentru gravide. În 2010 a început formarea în NLP Rezonanz care i-a deschis o lume noua catre sufletul sau. Asa a introdus în munca sa cu femeile însarcinate conectarea dintre minte si corp si conectarea mamelor cu bebelusul din burtica. Formarea în Remedii Florale Bach a adus în practica ei un alt element prin care a putut ajuta mamicile în devenire sa faca fata multitudinii de emotii, pe care sarcina le scoate la suprafata. În Septembrie 2015 Gloria a devenit ea însasi mamica, iar aceasta experienta i-a largit foarte mult orizontul si modul de abordare al sarcinii si mai ales a perioadei imediat urmatoare. În prezent Gloria preda clase de yoga pentru gravide, mame si bebelusi, copii si adulti, ofera sedinte de coaching unde îmbina tehnici NLP, ThetaHealing, Arterapie si Remedii Florale Bach. De asemenea sustine clase de yoga la Stejarii Country Club. "Felul în care îmi traiesc viata: privesc tot timpul partea buna a experientelor, sunt recunoscatoare zi de zi pentru ceea ce am si ma folosesc zilnic de tot ce am învatat pâna acum, pentru a face fata provocarilor pe care viata mi le aduce în cale." "

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