Home Magazine Lower Back Pain and Training Routine

Lower Back Pain and Training Routine

Why does lower back pain occur?

Lower back pain is a common issue among women. To determine the cause of various back pains, you should always consult a specialist.

The causes of back pain can be multiple, such as lack of physical activity and sedentary work or performing physical exercises without proper posture. You can address these reasons seriously in a discussion with a specialist doctor, a physiotherapist, or an experienced trainer.

If the doctor determines that there are no injuries or damage to the muscles or spine or other clear causes, we can observe that these pains are often simply the result of weak abdominal and lower back muscles.

Exercises for lower back pain

There are several types of exercises you can perform to strengthen the core muscles (abdominal and lower back muscles) and alleviate back pain.

It is recommended to consult a doctor, physiotherapist, and experienced instructor to establish a routine that incorporates one or more of the exercises presented below.

All these exercises below can be done using your body weight.


Position your elbows under your shoulders, rest your forearms on the floor, and extend your legs until your body forms a straight line. You can perform one or more sets, according to the doctor’s or trainer’s recommendations, by maintaining the position for at least 30 seconds or as long as you can maintain proper posture (e.g., 60 or 90 seconds).Exercises for lower back pain - Plank

Side Plank

Position your elbow on the floor, aligning it with your shoulder, and extend your legs, one on top of the other, maintaining a straight line. Extend the other arm upward.

You can perform one or more sets, according to the doctor’s or trainer’s recommendations, by maintaining the position for at least 30 seconds or as long as you can maintain proper posture (e.g., 60 or 90 seconds).

Exercises for lower back pain - Side Plank

Back Extensions

Sit on the floor with your hands stretched in front of you, extend the upper part of your body until you lift your chest off the mat, and extend your arms upward without putting pressure on your spine. Hold the position for two seconds and gently lower your chest to the mat. Repeat this movement according to the number of sets recommended by your doctor or trainer.Exercises for lower back pain - Back extensions

Bird Dog

Kneel on all fours with your palms on the floor, lift your opposite arm and leg until they form a straight line with the rest of your body (torso). Hold the position for two seconds and gently return to the starting position. Perform the exercise on each side of the body using the opposite arm and leg.

Exercises for lower back pain - Bird Dog & Glute Bridge

Glute Bridge

Lie on the floor with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and arms by your sides. Lift your hips without arching your back, forming a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Repeat this movement according to the number of sets recommended by your doctor or trainer.

Once the cause of the back pain is determined through medical consultation or together with your physiotherapist or trainer, armed with an appropriate exercise routine that incorporates a combination of the exercises presented above, you can work on strengthening your back muscles, reducing or eliminating pain.

These exercises can be performed alongside your current routine or as part of it. They can be done anywhere and do not require equipment.

Written by
Maria Bendris

Ambiţia depaşirii limitelor trupului şi ale spiritului prin exerciţiu fizic şi autoexigenţa au îndreptat-o pe Maria Bendriş spre sport înca de la varsta de 14 ani, continua determinare purtând-o dupa mai bine de un deceniu dedicat mişcarii şi disciplinei spre câştigarea Campionatului Naţional 2012 secţiunea Bodyfitness la categoria 1.63. Întâia recunoaştere a Mariei ca sportiv de performanţa a venit în 2008, anul afilierii sale la Clubul Sportiv Farul, prin ocuparea locului IV la aceeaşi categorie în cadrul Campionatului Naţional de Culturism, Fitness, Bodyfitness, Bikini, Bodybuilding Clasic. Respectul pentru sanatate si dorinţa unei întelegeri profunde a corpului uman au determinat-o sa urmeze Facultatea de Educaţie Fizica şi Sport în cadrul Universitaţii Ecologice din Bucureşti, specializare completata de absolvirea Facultaţii de Kinetoterapie din cadrul Universitaţii Spiru Haret. 
Convingerea în puterea mentoratului, perfectata doar în interiorul unei echipe unite de excelenţa, etica şi pasiune pentru om şi sport, a calauzit-o pe Maria spre continuarea pregatirii prin studii masterale în Managementul Activitaţilor de Educaţie Fizica şi Sport din cadrul Universitaţii Ecologice din Bucureşti. Pasionata de nutritie si suplimentatie (suplimente sportive) si-a însusit informatiile necesare în Polonia în paralel urmând cursul de personal trainer. Drumul înspre desavârşirea ca sportiv, precum şi experienţa sa de peste şapte ani în coordonarea cursanţilor prin antrenamente şi programe de nutriţie concentrate, au recomandat-o pe Maria spre dedicarea în publicaţii de specialitate a unei serii de materiale editoriale având ca tematica exerciţiile fizice şi nutriţia.

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