Home Magazine Moving in Madeira

Moving in Madeira

Moving in Madeira

The island of Madeira Europe’s most beautiful island

The island of Madeira was named the most beautiful island in Europe for the second consecutive time in 2014. The island is located 850 km southwest of Portugal and is the top of a volcanic mass. The island stretches steeply into the Atlantic Ocean and rises to an altitude of 1,860 meters above sea level. The volcanic soil of Madeira represents a true botanical garden with a great variety of plants and flowers. When it was discovered, the island was covered in lush and dense forests, hence the name Madeira, which means wood. Now, the hills are richly cultivated and nourished with water from mountain springs through a complex network of levadas (water channels) made by humans, which irrigate the terraced mountain slopes.

Madeira is perhaps best known for its wine, being blessed with a beautiful subtropical climate that is warm throughout the year, with temperatures ranging from below 30°C to over 16°C, featuring six microclimates capable of combining mountain storms with beach sun in the same day.

One of the most popular activities is hiking along the levadas, which cover over 1,000 kilometers across the island. There are different levels of difficulty and distance, making the hikes adaptable to any fitness level.

Assuming there was no sports-oriented hotel, there are still many things to keep you active on the beautiful island of Madeira. However, it is important to know that there is the Galo Resort complex, the perfect place for health and fitness, where Europeans and others come together to celebrate their passion for sports.


Galo Resort is located in a small village very close to the capital Funchal and the international airport. The resort is situated between cliffs and overlooks the famous blue waters of the area.

Moving in Madeira


Galo Resort is a complex composed of three distinct hotels, with different specialties and varying levels of comfort and prices, including the option to camp outdoors for one or two nights. The resort has four restaurants and three bars, offering various meal plans for those who prefer not to venture out and explore the excellent food and drinks on the island.

Hotel Galosol (4 stars) is located right on the oceanfront and is considered the ideal place for active vacationers. It offers a wide range of sports activities, including a well-equipped gym, pools, diving facilities, and other activities.

Alpino Atlantico is a smaller luxury boutique hotel designed for those seeking a quiet and relaxed vacation, with a specialized healthy menu and yoga. The hotel houses an Ayurveda Cure center (inspired by traditional Asian remedies designed to make you feel completely rejuvenated).

For those on a strict budget, they can opt for Hotel Galomar (3 stars). It is ideal for people who want affordable and simple accommodation with access to the shared services and facilities of the resort.

Lastly, there is a camping cabin located at the bottom of the cliff where the hotels are situated. The cabin has its own sunny pontoon and a private swimming ladder. The front part of the cabin opens up to the ocean. Without electricity, you can gaze at the stars and fall asleep while being enchanted by the music of the waves. In the morning, you wake up with the sunrise and the morning refreshment can be a swim in the ocean right from the base of your own cabin-bedroom.

Moving in Madeira


Spend your days being active outdoors on the island or utilizing the resources of the Galo Active Club. This impressive fitness facility offers squash courts, an indoor pool, a multisport camp, saunas, a bio-sauna, steam bath, fitness studio, yoga studio, and a training center. Professional trainers offer the latest classes (from Body Combat, Body Pump, Body Balance, Power Jump, RPM, CX-WORX to Zumba), as well as hydro massage, aerobics, step, yoga, spinning, and much more.

Moving in Madeira

After a workout, you can relax your body by swimming in the private bay or one of the three pools. If you enjoy swimming with fish, the hotel has its own diving center, instructors, and equipment. Scuba divers from around the world love to explore the nearby underwater nature reserve.

Moving in Madeira


When you’re not exploring the island or taking advantage of the wide range of on-site activities, Galo Resort is a tranquil and peaceful environment where you can relax away from the stress of life in Romania. There is an extensive wellness area with saunas and jacuzzis, or you can indulge in spa treatments at the Onda Revital salon and the Ayurveda treatment center of the Alpino Atlântico Hotel.

Moving in Madeira

Whether you spend a few days, a week, or even more time at the Galo Resort on Madeira Island, you will return to your normal daily routine rejuvenated, relaxed, and a little closer to your pre-established health and fitness goals.

Written by
Mihaela Fitzpatrick

Mihaela Fitzpatrick este Directorul și Fondatorul FormaSheFitness, unde supervizează afacerea și brandul pe întregul spectru de platforme online, digitale și print. Cu o experiență de peste 10 ani în industria wellness-ului, Mihaela se dedică scrierii, editării de conținut, gestionării proiectelor online și dezvoltării strategiilor de social media. Este absolventă a European School of Economics din Londra, unde a finalizat un program postuniversitar în Event Management, și, totodată, absolventă a Universității Româno-Americană, unde a absolvit un Master în Administrarea Afacerilor în Turism, precum, a obținut și o licență în Drept. Mihaela este responsabilă de gestionarea tuturor activităților corelate cu FormaSheFitness, inclusiv: Redactarea, editarea și publicarea conținutului aferent revistelor tipărite și online, bannerelor și videoclipurilor. Organizarea de evenimente, planificare și prezentări, inclusiv călătorii în diverse orașe și locații pentru evenimente, crearea de rețele și dezvoltarea oportunităților de afaceri. Organizarea și gestionarea tuturor filmărilor și shooting-urilor, selectarea locațiilor, crearea conceptelor, alcătuirea echipei, supravegherea filmărilor, shooting-urilor, selectarea și editarea conținutului pentru revista hard print și online, ori pentru contentul online. În momentele în care nu este implicată în munca dificilă de construire a afacerii, de gestionare și generare de idei noi pentru FormaSheFitness, Mihaela explorează lumea, călătorește alături de Shiba Inu-ul său, “Foxy”, și “așterne pe tastatură” experiențele dedicate călătoriilor fit și excursiilor prietenoase cu animalele de companie. Mihaela are un stil de viată activ și iubește activitatea fizică sub toate formele sale – exerciții fizice, inclusiv antrenamentele la domiciliu, în sală și în mijlocul naturii. Crede cu tărie, că sănătatea și fitness-ul ar trebui să fie o plăcere și susține importanța de a nu fi, doar, în formă și sănătoși, ci, și de a evidenția acest aspect. Site-ul FormaSheFitness, revista și magazinul online au fost create pentru femeile moderne și active, care apreciază sănătatea fizică și mintală, fitness-ul, frumusețea, sportul, moda în fitness și călătoriile sănătoase.

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