
Pound Fit

What is Pound Fit and how was the concept born?

Pound was first launched in America in 2011. The two founders, Cristina Peerenboom and Kirsten Potenza, were close friends who shared a passion for sports and music. In their free time, they also took drumming lessons. During one of the drumming lessons, Cristina’s chair broke, and she had to continue the lesson without a stool. That was the moment when the two friends realized that they could combine their two passions, fitness and drums, into a different but highly effective workout.

What type of movement does this workout involve?

Pound is a 45-minute cardio workout that combines movements from yoga, Pilates, and drumming. Instead of just listening to music, in Pound, you live and create music during this engaging full-body workout that combines cardio, toning, and strength exercises, transforming you into a true rockstar.

What benefits does this type of workout offer?

Pound is a full-body workout. During the 45 minutes, you will perform approximately 15,000 Ripstix strikes, around 500 squats and lunges, all to the energetic rhythm of beloved songs, executing over 70 dynamic movement techniques. Participants in this workout don’t have to count the exercises; it’s all about “freely expressing through percussion movements.” This workout will improve your fitness level, endurance, agility, coordination, flexibility, and rhythm. You will work your abs, thighs, legs, arms, back, and not only the major muscle groups but also less-utilized muscles like the hip flexors to achieve an enviable abdomen.

What fitness level is required to participate in Pound Fit?

Pound is designed in such a way that anyone can participate in the classes. The workout is easy to modify and adapt according to each person’s fitness level. It is a fun and dynamic experience suitable for all ages and abilities. It is intended for people who want to lose weight and for whom cardio workouts can feel like a burden. Pound Fit is so enjoyable that it can’t even be considered a workout. POUND is an interactive hour, with timing and coordination requiring participants to be attentive, focused, and present throughout the entire workout.

Tell me about the fun part of the “story.”

Americans have a saying with which they start every workout: “There are no mistakes, just drum solos.” Pound participants are encouraged to compose their own melody, to express themselves, channel stress and negative emotions, and transform them into music. There are no comparisons or mistakes, so the classes are always spiced up with amusing situations, like when someone drops their sticks or when we catch ourselves humming our favorite song.

Message for Pound Fit enthusiasts, as well as those who want to try Pound Fit.

I want to thank those who attend the classes for their daily presence at the gym. I am glad to see the energy and dedication they bring to this workout and how they transform themselves into “rockstars” with each session, for one hour. All these people are a constant source of inspiration and energy, and it is surprising to see how they surpass their limits every day, making constant progress. And for those who have not yet participated in a Pound class, time is not wasted. All they need is a little curiosity and a little courage. Pound is always changing, trying new choreographies, new challenging but fun movements that make you want to return to the gym with pleasure. And, ultimately, who doesn’t want to be a rock star at least once in their life?

Pound Fit

Written by
Bianca Marcarov

" Fosta sportiva de performanta in cadrul sectiei de atletism a Clubului Sportiv Dinamo Bucuresti, Bianca Marcarov a excelat in probele de viteza, obtinand medalii si titluri la nivel national si international. Printre cele mai importante titluri castigate se numara: dubla campioana nationala la juniori in probele de 60 m si 200 m in 2003, campioana balcanica la juniori in proba de stafeta 4x100m – 2003 si este castigatoarea Campionatelor Internationale ale Libanului in proba de 100 m. Atrasa fiind de orice forma de miscare Bianca a absolvit Academia Nationala de Educatie Fizica si Sport - sectia Kinetoterapie, a urmat cursurile Masterale in Nutritie si Remodelare Corporala si de asemenea, a urmat studii Postuniversitare de Preparator Fizic in cadrul aceleeasi universitati. De la o varsta frageda venind in contact cu sportul, acesta a ramas parte constanta a vietii ei, transformându-se intr-un job minunat - Group Fitness Instructor - începând cu anul 2008. Pe parcursul anilor a acumulat diverse experiente profesionale, cu instructori din întreaga lume. Cursurile de miscare constienta si dans, biodanza, reiki sunt doar câteva dintre activitatile practicate in timpul liber. Bianca este fost formator al Federatiei Romane Sportul Pentru Toti si instructor al conceptelor Steel Programs in Romania si nu numai. De-a lungul timpului a obtinut numeroase certificari in Romania si in strainatate si a fost presenter in cadrul conventiilor organizate in Bulgaria, Italia, Mexic, Romania. In prezent preda Steel Jump si este instructor de Aerobic, Step, Dance, Rebound, Functional Training, Steel Tonic, Steel Training, Pilates, Yoga (absolventa Yoga Alliance 200 H Hatha Yoga Teacher Training / Daanasana School of Yoga). Deschisa spre cunoasterea completa a omului, dorind sa se dezvolte in aceasta directie, in 2016 Bianca si-a indreptat atentia spre facultatea de psihologie.  “Cine sunt eu? ... Eu sunt! Iubesc viata, complexitatea ei, a noastra, a întregului Univers. Iubesc ritmul ... ritmul muzicii, ritmul emotiilor, ritmul naturii … Am învatat si învat in continuare despre corp, minte, suflet. Experimentez … cu corpul, cu mintea, cu sufletul. Am învatat si învat in continuare despre mine, despre noi, despre viata. Calatoresc, citesc si scriu intotdeaua cu drag:” "

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