Home Magazine The Effects of Therapeutic Massage

The Effects of Therapeutic Massage

masaj terapeutic in zona umarului realizat de un specialist

The benefits of massage – treatment or relaxation?

Massage has been practiced for thousands of years. Nowadays, if you need or want a massage, you can choose from one of the 80 styles of massage therapy, each developing a wide variety of pressures, movements, and techniques.

A massage session works wonders by relaxing the body, reducing stress and pain, calming the nervous system, loosening muscle tension, and stimulating internal organs.

When using the “label” of therapeutic massage, we must understand that it refers to a type of massage that offers health benefits and is different from other genres of massage that mainly focus on providing that “feel-good” state.

Therapeutic massage has been used since ancient times as a method of pain relief and improving health. Therapeutic massage does not replace other therapies or medical protocols, but it can be successfully used in conjunction with other treatments to provide a comprehensive and effective approach.

Massage naturally and non-invasively eliminates pain

Massage can have notable effects in reducing pain, including in patients with arthritis, fibromyalgia, lupus, lumbosacral pain, or sports injuries. It eliminates pain by reducing muscle tension or spasm, among other ways, and by stimulating the production of endorphins.

Massage treats depression

Massage increases the level of serotonin in the brain, a process that prevents or reduces the intensity of depression. The mechanism is similar to that of antidepressant medications. Moreover, most people benefit greatly from the comforting effects of massage and the exchange of energy between the therapist and the patient.

Massage Reduces Stress Levels

Massage reduces tension and induces relaxation, which helps to alleviate anxiety. The increase in serotonin also has the same effect. Massage also alleviates the physiological symptoms of anxiety, such as high blood pressure. Additionally, therapeutic massage greatly aids in the relaxation process, playing an important role in combating insomnia and improving sleep quality.

Improvement of the immune, circulatory, and lymphatic systems

Massage enhances factors that support the immune system by stimulating lymphatic circulation. It plays an important role in eliminating waste products from the blood, toxins, and pathogens. Massage lowers blood pressure and heart rate. It also helps improve the oxygenation of organs and tissues. Good blood circulation improves the appearance of the skin, the largest organ of the human body. It can also improve the appearance of scars and stretch marks.

masaj terapeutic in zona cervicala realizat de un specialist

The emotional value of massage and its effects on health and well-being are so profound that patients should consider massage therapy as a quality service, regardless of whether it functions as expected from a medical perspective or not.

To experience the benefits of therapeutic massage, it is recommended to have one to two sessions per week.

Written by
Simona Negrila

Cu bucurie pot spune, ca fac parte din categoria oamenilor fericiti pentru care profesia înseamna pasiune si vocatie. Înca de la începutul Facultatii de Kinetoterapie am fost mai mult atrasa de ideea de a aduce confort si relaxare în vietile oamenilor si astfel tehnicile de masaj au început sa ma fascineze. Dupa multe cursuri pe care le-am urmat în România (masaj suedez, drenaj limfatic, masaj japonez) am decis sa plec si sa-mi continui studiile în alte tari, pentru a aprofunda acest domeniu fascinant. Astfel au urmat câteva cursuri în Europa, si pot afirma ca experienta de la Academia spa Steiner Londra m-a ajutat enorm în evolutia mea ca terapeut. Odata finalizat acest curs am lucrat pe cele mai luxoase vase de croaziera - o experienta care mi-a schimbat viata. În acesta perioada am realizat, ca cel mai întelept lucru ar fi sa învat tehnicile de masaj direct de la sursa pentru a deveni un terapeut cât mai bun. Pentru a-mi urma visul am decis sa plec în Thailanda, unde am patruns în fascinanta lume a masajului thailandez si unde revin în fiecare an cu placere pentru a explora tainele aceastei tehnici. Au urmat multe alte calatorii: Bali - unde masajul balinez te rasfata din cap pâna în picioare, Laos - thai yoga masajul, Vietnam - masajul vietnamez al fetei. "Ador Asia pentru cultura lor, pentru masaj si tot ceea ce are de oferit! Traiesc zilnic sentimente de bucurie dupa fiecare sedinta de masaj stiind, ca am transmis o stare de bine."

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