Home Magazine Vitality and Energy at 40+

Vitality and Energy at 40+

The Importance of Staying Fit and Healthy After 40

Once we reach a certain age, it becomes increasingly difficult to stay fit and healthy. Maintaining a good level of fitness is important for a healthy body and mind.

Around the age of 40, a woman’s body goes through certain changes due to hormonal fluctuations.

Body Changes Around 40 and the Hormonal Impact

What exactly happens to our bodies? Metabolism slows down, resulting in a decrease in the energy level needed for the body to function. Joints become more sensitive, which can lead to bodily instability. We lose muscle mass, bone density decreases, and we become more prone to osteoporosis. Joints also become stiffer, causing discomfort.

The Role of Physical Activities in Maintaining Health and Well-Being

Health, well-being, and sports require regular, harmonious, and continuous exercise (prevention). This means that we don’t need to focus on our health only when sudden changes occur due to age and an unhealthy lifestyle, often resorting to medication for relief.

femeie de peste 40 de ani facand sport

Most women enter the fitness world with the desire to lose weight. But imagine the results if we combine weight loss with the Yin and Yang of health and well-being. On the outside, we achieve a beautifully sculpted and toned silhouette, while internally, our body becomes healthier. Through sports, both our physical and mental conditions improve, boosting self-confidence.

Low-intensity aerobic activities such as running, brisk walking, and swimming help increase bone density, which is crucial for women as they age. Strength training (using dumbbells) contributes to maintaining bone mass, indirectly preventing osteoporosis. By engaging in a form of exercise that suits our personality, we can increase muscle mass density, promoting better body movement and reducing the risk of falls and injuries. As we age, our joints and muscles undergo changes, becoming tighter and shorter.

femeie de peste 40 de ani, pe pist de alergare a unui stadion, in haine de sport

The Importance of Stretching and Breathing Exercises

To keep our muscle tissue in the best shape, daily stretching is recommended. Besides daily stretching, proper breathing exercises (diaphragmatic breathing) play a crucial role. Sufficient oxygenation of the body through correct breathing is a natural way to eliminate stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and depression, facilitating the body and mind’s detoxification process. The increasingly common burnout syndrome can be alleviated through proper breathing exercises combined with functional toning exercises (Nirvana Fitness concept).

Balanced Nutrition and Its Role After the Age of 40

Alongside physical activity, nutrition plays an important role in maintaining fitness after the age of 40. A balanced diet includes an adequate intake of proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals from fruits and vegetables, with smaller amounts of carbohydrates.

Sport as a Success Factor and Stress Reduction

Successful women engage in sports for a reason. I can say this from my own experience. Sports help us become physically and mentally stronger, more energetic, and more successful in our careers. Through movement, we relax both our bodies and minds.

We live our lives under stress, constantly multitasking, and sometimes struggling to find an effective strategy to achieve results. This behavior is unproductive, brings disadvantages, and feels like a race against the clock. To avoid making major mistakes, women need relaxation, sports, and exercise to help eliminate stress.

Choosing a Personalized Sports and Exercise Specialist

The most important element we need to prioritize is TIME! As we age, time can become an impediment, as our priorities change compared to when we were in our 20s or 30s. However, it is crucial to allocate time for sports/exercise!

When engaging in any form of exercise, I recommend seeking a qualified specialist, a good sports professional, who can conduct an initial assessment of your fitness level and adapt the exercise program according to your needs, whether it’s group sessions or one-on-one training.

I am an active woman who exercises regularly, and thanks to sports, I always feel good, confident, and have daily energy for both my work and family time. I wholeheartedly support sports and any form of exercise and recommend it to everyone, regardless of age!”

Written by
Nicoleta Mocanu

"Drumul meu iÌ‚n lumea sportului a iÌ‚nceput înca din timpul copilăriei, fiind atrasă, si totodata activă, de si în activitățile sportive organizate în cadrul scolii, făcaÌ‚nd parte din echipa de handbal și din cea de atletism. IÌ‚n anul 2009 iÌ‚ncepe povestea Fitness Nico, acela fiind momentul caÌ‚nd am deschis primul studio personalizat din Ploiești, exclusiv pentru femei și copii. La momentul respectiv, eu însami fiind mama unei fetițe de 2 ani, am iÌ‚nțeles importanța unui stil de viață sănătos și activ, ataÌ‚t pentru mamă, caÌ‚t și pentru copil, acestea doua completaÌ‚ndu-se ca un Yin și Yang armonios. După nașterea celui de-al doilea copil am fost nevoită să mă reinventez. Drumul meu sportiv a suferit o modificare si din manager de sală de fitness și organizator de evenimente sportive, am devenit instructor sportiv, format de Federația RomaÌ‚nă Sportul pentru toți. Sunt instructor iÌ‚n diferite arii de dezvoltare și perfecționare sportivă și președinte al asociației IÌ‚ntoarce-te la sport, asociație care are ca misiune promovarea sportului și implicarea comunităților și instituțiilor locale iÌ‚n desfășurarea activităților sportive iÌ‚n beneficiul cetățenilor. Viața de mămica m-a determinat să ma apropii mai mult de copii, astfel ca, iÌ‚n momentul de față, desfășor programe sportive iÌ‚n grădinițe, școli, etc. IÌ‚n zilele noastre sportul este practicat ca disciplina care duce la epuizare, prin exerciții repetitve, chinuitoare și stresante, acestea avaÌ‚nd un impact final negativ asupra sănătății noastre fizice. Dorind să facem o schimbare, am creat viziunea asociației: sportul – o mișcare care facilitează izvorul de energie al fiecăruia. Susținerea și dezvoltarea durabilă prin sport iÌ‚ncepe cu o respirație corectă, diafragmatică, continuaÌ‚nd cu o desfășurare corectă a unor exerciții posturale cheie, iar iÌ‚n final cu exerciții de raÌ‚s, care induc automat starea de relaxare, optimism și iÌ‚ncredere. Ce oferă Fitness Nico? Clase de fitness, aerobic și dezvoltare sportivă desfasurate iÌ‚ntr-un mod unic: Freestyler Super Toning, Wayflex System Training, Fetno Aerobic, Pilates, Nirvana Fitness, Laughter Yoga. De asemenea, poți iÌ‚ncerca și clase de: Zumba dance, Karate, Aikido, TaiChi, Dansuri moderne & Street dance, alături de partenerii clubului sportiv. Vrei să afli mai multe despre una dintre activitățile sportive de mai sus? Te așteptăm oricaÌ‚nd în clubul nostru! Satisfacția de la finalul zilei o culeg iÌ‚ntotdeauna din clasele sportive de la sală, training-urile personale, de la oamenii cu care interacționez zilnic, iar copiii îmi ofera energia necesara care, alaturi de satisfacție, sunt catalizatorii care mă ajută în continuitatea pe drumul sportului. Pe laÌ‚ngă beneficiile intrinsece ale sportului, consider că activitățile desfășurate reprezintă mijlocul ideal de a intra iÌ‚n contact cu alți semeni și de a stabili noi relații interpersonale, în prezent din ce în ce mai puține din cauza evoluției tehnologiei. Perseverez, mă adaptez, iÌ‚nvăț, dezvolt, iubesc, zaÌ‚mbesc și iÌ‚ntotdeauna inspir practicarea sportului celor din jur! "

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