Home Magazine Your Child as the Perfect Workout Partner

Your Child as the Perfect Workout Partner

The fascination of the bond between mother and child

The connection between a mother and her child has always seemed fascinating to me. The way a mother knows what her child needs, the communication between them goes beyond words. Before becoming a mother myself, I aimed to bring the concept of gymnastics classes dedicated to mothers and children to the attention of the Romanian public.

The benefits of gym class for parents and children

Teaching these classes for parents and children, I have noticed how parents relax and gain more confidence in their children during these sessions, while the little ones become braver in exploring the outside world.

From my own experience, I now know that it is not always easy to go to the gym accompanied by your child to do your workout. Even if you manage to go, your workout will never be just yours. For me and my little boy, Alexandru, the entire day seems like a continuous negotiation between what I want and what he wants. From my perspective, physical activity is an important component of well-being, and I have been searching for a workout solution that suits both me and my child.

The transformation plays with the child in the gymnastics program

So, I transformed playing with him into a gymnastics/movement program for myself, and in this way, we are both satisfied.

From this play, we both learned how to coordinate our movements together, how to get to know our bodies better, and we cultivated trust in each other. I will detail in the following points.

Our training routine

1. Dance and free movement

Dance: We choose a favorite song and let our bodies move freely to the rhythm of the music.

2. Exercises with raising the child

Lifts: I lift the child up towards the ceiling, which works out my arms and legs, while he has more fun.

exercitiu mama si copilul pe iarba
exercitiu mama si copilul pe iarba

3. Exercises for the whole body

Plank and bird dog position: It tones the mother’s entire body while the child becomes the proud owner of their favorite “pony.”

exercitiu mama si copilul pe iarba
exercitiu mama si copilul pe iarba

4. Rolls in the air

Air rolls: They are Alex’s favorites! I lie on my back with my knees flexed at a 90-degree angle, and the child sits with their back against my thighs. I hold his shoulders with my hands, as if putting on a belt, with the grip on his hips. Then, I swing back and forth, extending my knees and rolling him in the air until his feet reach the floor at the level of my head.

exercitiu mama si copilul pe iarba

exercitiu mama si copilul pe iarba

exercitiu mama si copilul pe iarba

5. Leapfrog or “prinselea”: The favorite cardio exercise.

exercitiu mama si copilul pe iarba

At the end of each good play session, we hug each other and breathe together.

The beneficial effects of play on children and adults

By consistently practicing these exercises, children improve their body balance by developing their inner ear, which is responsible for perceiving the body in time and space. Parents, in turn, test their patience, become more tolerant, and bring back the playful spirit within each of us, regardless of age.

Play has beneficial effects on children, comparable to those of a meditative state in adults.

Written by
Gloria Hristina Tone

" Gloria era în ultimul an de facultate când a intrat prima data într-un cabinet de kinetoterapie, unde activitatea principala era gimnastica pentru gravide. Acolo a început calatoria ei în acest domeniu. Dupa ce stagiul de practica a luat sfârsit, Gloria a pus în aplicare cunostiintele dobândite lucrând cu femei însarcinate. La început a facut doar gimnastica, însa pe parcursul anilor a aprofundat acest domeniu. În 2011 a urmat cursul de doula, apoi în 2012 cel de yoga pentru gravide. În 2010 a început formarea în NLP Rezonanz care i-a deschis o lume noua catre sufletul sau. Asa a introdus în munca sa cu femeile însarcinate conectarea dintre minte si corp si conectarea mamelor cu bebelusul din burtica. Formarea în Remedii Florale Bach a adus în practica ei un alt element prin care a putut ajuta mamicile în devenire sa faca fata multitudinii de emotii, pe care sarcina le scoate la suprafata. În Septembrie 2015 Gloria a devenit ea însasi mamica, iar aceasta experienta i-a largit foarte mult orizontul si modul de abordare al sarcinii si mai ales a perioadei imediat urmatoare. În prezent Gloria preda clase de yoga pentru gravide, mame si bebelusi, copii si adulti, ofera sedinte de coaching unde îmbina tehnici NLP, ThetaHealing, Arterapie si Remedii Florale Bach. De asemenea sustine clase de yoga la Stejarii Country Club. "Felul în care îmi traiesc viata: privesc tot timpul partea buna a experientelor, sunt recunoscatoare zi de zi pentru ceea ce am si ma folosesc zilnic de tot ce am învatat pâna acum, pentru a face fata provocarilor pe care viata mi le aduce în cale." "

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