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Associating Seasons with the Cyclical Rhythm of Women

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Indecision Among Women: A Closer Analysis of Its Cyclical Nature

Many voices often claim that women are indecisive. That their ideas vary from day to day, today we express something, tomorrow we have a different opinion, and the day after tomorrow we completely change our mind.

We cannot say that it is not a reality, as it happens in many cases because we, women, “function in seasons,” periods that influence our hormones and, implicitly, our moods.

Once we realize this aspect, our life will be much easier to manage and plan, and working with ourselves will become easier. Moreover, when we manage to identify these cycles and their characteristics, while observing ourselves, we will see how we actually connect with our inner power.

Thus, we will address the following topics:
– Listening to our body and understanding the cyclic rhythm that we, women, have.
– What is meant for us will happen easily and effortlessly, not through control, obstacles, and intense efforts.
– When we feel ease, liberation, and harmony within us, regardless of the context, that is the right choice for us, and when we feel contraction, suffocation, a lump in the throat, internal pressure, that is not the right choice for us.
– How to feel and connect to our feminine-specific energy.

There are four monthly cycles, divided like seasons.

1. Spring: Follicular Phase

Spring is that time of the year when everything comes back to life. Trees blossom, migratory birds return and make their presence felt through their chirping, they build nests and lay eggs, the days become longer, trees dress in different shades of green, a whole energy of rebirth is felt in this season.

We can associate this season, in the context of a woman’s state, with the follicular phase, as a period in the month when a woman has increasing energy, desires to engage in new activities that take her out of her comfort zone, being the appropriate time to make plans.

Also, during this period, if a woman becomes aware of her thoughts, emotions, and dreams, she can observe how the inner child and inner teenager make their presence felt. The playfulness of the child, the aspects that were painful for the teenager, are reactivated every month during this interval, requiring awareness, healing, and release.

It is recommended to consume fresh, light, and nutritious foods during spring, mainly cooked by steaming or sautéing. This stage starts immediately after menstruation and lasts between 10 and 14 days, being the most variable period.

2. Summer: Ovulatory Phase

Summer is the season when the days are long and the sun envelops our bodies in warmth. Everything flourishes: flowers bloom, fruits ripen on trees and grains in the fields, animals have abundant food, and people spend a lot of time in nature.

We can associate this season, in the context of a woman’s state, with the ovulatory phase, the period in the month when a woman:

– Feels beautiful and attractive.
– Feels that she finds her words and can express herself easily.
– Has the highest energy level throughout the month.
– Desires to socialize and schedule as many meetings as possible.
– Feels stable and confident in her own abilities.

During this period, it is recommended to consume fruits, slow-burning carbohydrates, and foods that contain antioxidants, such as whole grains, various types of salads, fish, red meat, chicken, eggs, artichokes, grapes, beans, bell peppers, broccoli, strawberries, tomatoes.

It is recommended to cook the foods mainly by steaming or consume them in their natural state. The ovulation day varies from one cycle to another, depending on the duration of menstruation. As an average, it falls somewhere around day 13-14 after menstruation.

During this time, if a woman becomes aware of her thoughts, emotions, and dreams, she can notice the activation of maternal energy, with the tendency to provide additional care for herself and those around her.

3. Autumn: Luteal Phase

Autumn is the season when the days become shorter and cooler, plants no longer bloom, trees lose their leaves, but the fruits are abundant. This is the time when the fruits of labor are harvested, and people and animals make provisions for the winter months.

We can associate this season, in the context of a woman’s state, with the luteal phase or the premenstrual period, the phase in the month when a woman:

– Begins to retreat inward.
– Experiences states of imbalance and lower levels of concentration.
– Experiences a decrease in energy.
– Prefers to stay in her comfort zone.

Things that need to be released and healed come to light: frustrations, irritability, anger, nerves. These states are parts of ourselves that need attention, comfort, and embrace, not rejection. By trying to understand them when they arise, we can achieve profound healing.

Also, during this phase, we are at the point where we can complete processes initiated in the follicular phase, for example, we are at the point where we want to bring order and internal cleanliness, which could start with external cleaning in our living space.

During this period, it is recommended to consume roasted root vegetables, fruits, and green smoothies, greens, and fibers. It is advisable to pay extra attention to colon and liver cleansing.

4. Winter: Menstrual Phase

Winter is the season when the days are very short, plants stop growing, trees lose their leaves, and some animals grow fur to keep warm, while people wear thick clothes and spend more time indoors.

We can associate this season, in the context of a woman’s state, with the menstrual phase, the period in the month when a woman:

– Enters a state of self-evaluation and reflection.
– Is in the best position to release limiting beliefs, negative emotions, and harmful relationships.
– Spends time alone and connects more with herself, with all the subtle and deep parts of her being.
– Cleanses everything accumulated in the womb during a month, and when she does it consciously, her entire life changes. A woman during menstruation is pure power, awake, wise, intuitive.

Depending on what she holds in her womb – pain, trauma, fear, frustration, acceptance, healing, transformation, joy, love – a woman creates her life and emanates the energy that will either support or undermine her family.

It is recommended to allocate more time to herself and her needs during this interval, indulge herself, allow for thorough introspection to connect with her own energy.

One way a woman can reconnect with the power of Mother Earth is by planting the moon, to come into contact with its transformative energy. Mother Earth recognizes the unique imprint of each woman and begins to cleanse and purify, giving back to each woman who sends her menstrual blood. When we place it at the root of a tree, we can say what we feel in that moment, what we want to release, or perhaps a simple thank


How does planting the moon benefit a woman?

By using a menstrual cup, collecting the blood, diluting it in water, and placing it at the root of a tree, or using reusable washable pads and following the same process, a woman can reconnect with the transformative energy of Mother Earth.”

Written by
Ana Werczberger

"Ana Werczberger si-a dedicat cu entuziasm zece ani din viata lantului de fitness World Class ca antrenor personal si instructor de body&mind. Fiind atrasa de yoga în urma cu sapte ani a început sa practice stilul Ashtanga urmând apoi o specializare în Power Yoga - o forma de yoga, care pune accentul mai mult pe lucrul asupra corpului fizic. Practicând Power Yoga curiozitatea a crescut si totodata a determinat-o sa îsi doreasca cunoasterea mai în profunzime a propriului eu - minte si suflet. Astfel în urma cu cinci ani a fost atrasa de Nlp Rezonans, urmat de Reiki si apoi Theta Healing. www.yoga-academy.ro Experimentând aceste tehnici Ana si-a dorit sa aprofundeze studiul yoga, propunându-si sa plece în India pentru formare si experienta. În final a reusit “sa aduca India în România” prin înfiintarea YAR - Yoga Academy România - împreuna cu alte doua persoane dragi ei si având ca mentor un profesor din Risikes - capitala Yoga. În perceptia Anei corpul lucreaza împreuna cu sufletul si mintea, astfel abordarea ei este complexa integrând cele trei planuri. "

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