Home Magazine The World of CrossFit

The World of CrossFit

Antrenament CrossFit cu mingea de sala, in sala de fintess

Discover the varied and intense training of CrossFit

If you consider that the workouts you currently do have become monotonous and you want to try something diverse, then CrossFit will meet your expectations.

With high-intensity functional movements that constantly vary, CrossFit is a type of training suitable for everyone, without any differentiation, helping to improve physical fitness and cardiovascular health.

CrossFit: A sport adapted to all ages

CrossFit is a circuit-based fitness concept that is based on functional movements performed at high intensity. It is a sport that suits all ages, as all movements in CrossFit are functional and help us in our daily lives. The exercises are adapted to each fitness level.

Antrenament CrossFit cu greutati, in sala de fintess
Antrenament CrossFit cu greutati, in sala de fintess

The training takes place in a specially designed CrossFit gym, which looks completely different from a commercial fitness gym.

This revolutionary training concept was created and developed in Santa Cruz, California, by Greg Glassman, a former American gymnast.

The story and international expansion of CrossFit

The term CrossFit became a registered trademark in the year 2000, initially gaining popularity in America and then spreading worldwide. CrossFit entered Europe in 2004 and in Romania in 2013.

Individuals interested in opening a CrossFit gym need to be licensed personally by Greg Glassman and pay an annual fee.

Principles and key elements of CrossFit training

As the founder stated, CrossFit means “constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity.”

This type of training incorporates the most important elements from a variety of sports such as gymnastics, weightlifting, athletics, rowing, cycling, etc.

CrossFit workouts stand out from other training methods because they target all ten components of physical fitness:

1) Endurance (cardiovascular and muscular)
2) Strength
3) Speed
4) Accuracy
5) Balance
6) Power
7) Agility
8) Coordination
9) Stamina
10) Flexibility

CrossFit is a training method that requires enthusiasm and determination!

Technically, it is a group training program that is constantly varied, using engaging circuits and competitions among the participants in the class. The participants are guided and supervised by a coach who follows a pre-planned training scheme on a board. CrossFit workouts are recorded daily on the board, along with the names of the participants and their scores for the Workout of the Day (WOD).

What a typical CrossFit class looks like

The stages of a CrossFit class:

1) The class starts with a GENERAL WARM-UP. Joint warm-up exercises are followed by an active warm-up, a short circuit of low to medium intensity. This warm-up stage is very important!

2) GENERAL and SPECIFIC MOBILITY, followed by STRETCHING, which helps prepare the muscles and joints for the upcoming training.

3) SKILL – the technical phase of the training, where you learn, practice, and improve a specific exercise, such as gymnastics or weightlifting.

4) WOD (Workout of the Day) – the daily workout. This is a circuit consisting of several exercises performed at high intensity, usually against the clock. The functioning of the workout revolves around the volume and intensity of the exercises. For maximum results, the movements need to be performed as quickly as possible and in a fast-paced rhythm. Measuring performance is essential in CrossFit, so the results need to be measurable, observable, and repeatable.

5) The CrossFit class ends with STRETCHING to relax the muscle groups that were engaged during the training.

The benefits and challenges of CrossFit

CrossFit develops your body harmoniously and in a healthy way, while simultaneously training your mind. You learn new things that you never imagined you would, and you enjoy every accomplishment.

Antrenament CrossFit cu mingea de sala, in sala de fintess
Antrenament CrossFit cu mingea de sala, in sala de fintess

CrossFit offers diversity – the workouts are different from each other.

The intensity of the workouts is so high that they challenge you every second to surpass your limits and become better.

In CrossFit workouts, you transition from one movement to another at a fast pace, which prevents the muscles from getting accustomed to the movements, and this becomes the key to continuous muscle development.

CrossFit can be used to achieve any goal, from improved health to weight loss and better performance.

CrossFit is an exceptional training style because it incorporates elements such as community and people, representing evolution in all its forms.”

Written by
Alexandra Ojog

"Sunt mama, atleta de crossfit, personal trainer, dar, mai înainte de toate acestea, sunt o femeie curajoasa si norocoasa deoarece am realizat si înteles, în acelasi timp ca toate evenimentele din viata mea, atât cele frumoase, cât si cele mai putin placute reprezinta lectii pe care care trebuie sa le deprind cu scopul de a învata lucruri noi si de a ma ajuta sa evoluez ca om. Sunt mama unui baietel minunat de 5 ani si 9 luni si pot marturisi ca odata cu venirea lui pe lume viata mea s-a schimbat enorm! Pentru a-i oferi copilului un mediu armonios si linistit, cu cinci ani în urma am luat decizia de a ma implica singura în cresterea lui si acest lucru m-a determinat sa-mi concentrez atentia asupra sportului. Dorinta de a fi o mamica sanatoasa, atât din punct de vedere mental, cât si fizic, si dorinta de a-mi educa copilul într-un mod frumos si sanatos, au facut, deopotriva, ca viata mea sa se schimbe, cultivându-mi pasiunea pentru sport în fiecare zi. Datorita stilului de viata disciplinat, organizat, si sustinut de o alimentatie sanatoasa, am ajuns la etapa practicarii sportului de performanta. Fiind o persoana foarte  ambitioasa, determinata si competitiva, am început sa particip la numeroase competitii nationale si internationale. Printre cele mai importante titluri castigate, se regasesc: ➡️ Medalie de Bronz la Campionatele Nationale de Culturism si Fitness 2015 ➡️ Locul 1  Ultimate Smartfit Challenge (echipe) 2015 ➡️ Locul 1  Ultimate Smartfit Challenge, editia a 3-a 2016 ➡️ Fittest Women in Romania 2017  ➡️ Fittest Women in Romania 2018 ➡️ Locul 3  Romanian Throwdown 2017 ➡️ Locul 1 Uzina Cup 2016 ➡️ Locul 1 Uzina Cup 2017 ➡️ Locul 1 Uzina Cup 2018 ➡️ Locul 3 Varna Throwdown 2018 (Elite)  ➡️ Locul 2 Varna Throwdown 2019 (Masters 35-39)  ➡️ Locul 3 Istanbul Throwdown 2019 (Masters 35-39)  Pasiunea pentru sport si dorinta de a ajuta oamenii, îndrumându-i sa opteze pentru un stil de viata sanatos, “m-au împins” sa încep cariera de instructor personal în domeniul fitness-ului. Dorinta de dezvoltare personala si cea de a întelege psihologia omului, precum si de a îmbunatati felul de a comunica cu cei din jur, m-au determinat sa încep cursul de Nlp (programare neurolingvistica). Consider ca un antrenor personal trebuie sa aiba foarte multe alte aptitudini, pe lânga competentele si certificarile obtinunte. Deci, îmi place sa fiu un exemplu prin suma actiunilor mele, prin atitudinea morala si pozitiva, prin aspectul fizic. Îmi place sa fiu considerata o inspiratie!  Printre cele mai importante calitati pe care un antrenor trebuie sa le aiba, as enumera: determinarea, disciplina, silinta, curajul, perseverenta, rabdarea, morala. Consider ca pasiunea/pasiunile si obiectivele bine stabilite constituie o parte din realizarea sensului vietii!  Sunt recunoscatoare pentru toare întâmplarile din viata mea si tuturor celor care m-au ajutat!  Motto-urile care îmi calauzesc viata sunt: "Urmeaza-ti visurile!"  "Nimic nu este imposibil atunci când îti doresti cu adevarat!"    "

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