Home Magazine Interviews Diana Pivniceru, sensitivity and tenacity in one person

Diana Pivniceru, sensitivity and tenacity in one person

Diana Pivniceru

Interview with Diana Pivniceru

Diana Pivniceru, former professional athlete and multiple national champion in Bikini Fitness, embodies three essential values, such as sensitivity, femininity, and tenacity, and is a person who, regardless of circumstances, does not give up on what she has set out to achieve.

Diana Pivniceru pozand la un concurs de fitness

Can you reveal some details about Diana, about how you made the transition from professional athletics to fitness? What attracted you and how did your participation in fitness competitions begin?

The transition from athletics to amateur fitness was initially easy. I “won” a gym membership, and for the first time, I crossed the threshold of the gym when Constanța became my home, my personal goal at that time being physical fitness and health. At the suggestion of a friend, after a few months, I “started” my performance, becoming a member of the sports club where I am still affiliated. Later, I participated in the first fitness competition – the National Championship, where I obtained the title of national champion.
What attracted me to this sport were some pictures of international competitors whose attitude conveyed elegance, beauty, and a healthy appearance.

What is the essence of fitness competitions and what do they involve?

Bikini Fitness or, more recently, Women’s Bikini, means feminine and distinguished presence, beauty, a sporty physique, the absence of cellulite, stretch marks, and excessive muscle mass.
The image of a goddess, of course, in my perception.

Diana Pivniceru pozand in sala de fitness

Recently, in November, you attended the World Bodybuilding and Fitness Championship in Santa Susana, Spain, where the Romanian team achieved an excellent result, ranking second. How would you describe the energy of the place, the experience on stage, and what does participating in such a large-scale event entail?

I participated in the World Championship, but this time in a new branch, Fitness Challenge. This aspect of fitness is completely different from Women’s Bikini. In Women’s Bikini, I only perform on stage, while in Fitness Challenge, six elements are performed, each lasting two minutes, with a two-minute break between sets, and the number of repetitions needs to be as high as possible, as you are in direct competition with other opponents. It was extremely demanding, as the type of training was completely different and required a lot of time for preparation. Most of the Fitness Challenge competitors come from the CrossFit section.
Together with my teammate, Nicușor Novac, I competed in the pairs event, achieving the performance of reaching the finals after an intense month of preparation.

Diana Pivniceru antrenament in sala de fitness

Hard work is the key to achieving the impeccable physique you display. What does your routine for maintaining your dedicated physical form consist of, and what does your diet consist of?

My routine for physical maintenance is as simple as possible: discipline, both in terms of nutrition and training. During the year, when I am in the “off-season,” I don’t indulge in excessive eating. I follow a daily healthy eating style that includes vegetables, fruits, and fish.

Because I have a balanced nature, I like to satisfy certain culinary cravings by enjoying “forbidden” foods, sweets, and traditional dishes. However, I do not combine them and serve them in small portions. After such a feast, I definitely pay attention to movement – walking or jogging – depending on my energy level.
Additionally, “good” carbohydrates are necessary for the body in the preparatory diet for competitions, a lesson learned throughout gaining experience. In the past, I used to eliminate 90% of carbohydrates from my diet, focusing on protein and occasionally some healthy fats. Therefore, my current competition diet has become easier and more enjoyable, no longer causing low energy levels. The regimen is based on oats combined with berries, plant-based milk, fish, whole grain or lentil pasta, basmati or brown rice, vegetables, and fruits.

You are known for the tenacity with which you pursue your dreams. Surely, you have also experienced disappointments. What has given you the strength to move forward each time after a period of reflection?

The main source that motivates me and gives me energy is myself. When I feel that my attention is diverted from the usual things, I realign myself by spending time alone, looking at photos or videos from various sports competitions. The shortcomings I observe and the displayed demeanor drive me to want to surpass myself.

Diana Pivniceru castigand premiul la un concurs de fitness

If you had the chance to teleport yourself in time, what would you do differently in terms of your competitive career?

If I had this possibility, I would approach the nutrition part more seriously, increasing the number of meals per day, and regarding training, I would pay more attention to the areas that I see as deficient.

Based on your own experience, what recommendations can you offer to a competitor who is just starting their journey in training and nutrition, aspiring to the title of national champion in Bikini Fitness?

I encourage girls who want to compete and, automatically, to win, to approach the nutrition part seriously, to be 110% dedicated to training, and to arm themselves with patience and ambition because good results come with time.

Music is an excellent companion for training, and without rhythm, it doesn’t have the same vibe. What kind of music entices you when you train?

During training, I like to listen to rhythmic music that induces that “buzz,” and for that, nothing is more suitable than the rhythms of DJs present at festivals like Untold and Neversea, such as Tujamo, Armin Van Bureen, Tiesto.

Diana Pivniceru pozand la un concurs de fitness

Your studies in the field, namely the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport and the Master’s degree in School Physical Education, along with the experience gained in participating in sports competitions, recommend you as a coach with a very good reputation. Also, dabbling in business “is not unfamiliar” to you. You are involved in managing the Fit Gym sports facility, which, in addition to the “mother city,” Constanța, has recently opened its doors to fitness enthusiasts in Tulcea as well. Which of these roles describes you best – Diana Pivniceru, the performance athlete, the personal trainer, the entrepreneur, or the sum of all the aforementioned?

Currently, I am involved in managing the Fit Gym fitness facility, where I carry out my activities. At the same time, I also take care of the public relations department. I love to interact with people, find solutions to various situations/problems, induce a sense of well-being when they step into the gym, and guide them in their movements as they should be. Being attracted to both positions, as an entrepreneur and a trainer, I create a balance between the two segments and practice them with pleasure.

The past leaves its mark on us and becomes a part of us. We live in the present and direct a portion of our attention and energy towards the future. What does the future hold for you?

In terms of sports, I have set a goal to reach at least the final level at the European Championship and the World Championship.
Being attracted to the entrepreneurial side as well, from a business perspective, I would like to explore the mix of beauty and sports.


Written by
Mihaela Fitzpatrick

Mihaela Fitzpatrick este Directorul și Fondatorul FormaSheFitness, unde supervizează afacerea și brandul pe întregul spectru de platforme online, digitale și print. Cu o experiență de peste 10 ani în industria wellness-ului, Mihaela se dedică scrierii, editării de conținut, gestionării proiectelor online și dezvoltării strategiilor de social media. Este absolventă a European School of Economics din Londra, unde a finalizat un program postuniversitar în Event Management, și, totodată, absolventă a Universității Româno-Americană, unde a absolvit un Master în Administrarea Afacerilor în Turism, precum, a obținut și o licență în Drept. Mihaela este responsabilă de gestionarea tuturor activităților corelate cu FormaSheFitness, inclusiv: Redactarea, editarea și publicarea conținutului aferent revistelor tipărite și online, bannerelor și videoclipurilor. Organizarea de evenimente, planificare și prezentări, inclusiv călătorii în diverse orașe și locații pentru evenimente, crearea de rețele și dezvoltarea oportunităților de afaceri. Organizarea și gestionarea tuturor filmărilor și shooting-urilor, selectarea locațiilor, crearea conceptelor, alcătuirea echipei, supravegherea filmărilor, shooting-urilor, selectarea și editarea conținutului pentru revista hard print și online, ori pentru contentul online. În momentele în care nu este implicată în munca dificilă de construire a afacerii, de gestionare și generare de idei noi pentru FormaSheFitness, Mihaela explorează lumea, călătorește alături de Shiba Inu-ul său, “Foxy”, și “așterne pe tastatură” experiențele dedicate călătoriilor fit și excursiilor prietenoase cu animalele de companie. Mihaela are un stil de viată activ și iubește activitatea fizică sub toate formele sale – exerciții fizice, inclusiv antrenamentele la domiciliu, în sală și în mijlocul naturii. Crede cu tărie, că sănătatea și fitness-ul ar trebui să fie o plăcere și susține importanța de a nu fi, doar, în formă și sănătoși, ci, și de a evidenția acest aspect. Site-ul FormaSheFitness, revista și magazinul online au fost create pentru femeile moderne și active, care apreciază sănătatea fizică și mintală, fitness-ul, frumusețea, sportul, moda în fitness și călătoriile sănătoase.

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