Home Magazine Interviews A Man in a Woman’s World – Ștefan Lazăr

A Man in a Woman’s World – Ștefan Lazăr

Ștefan Lazăr – Successfully Combining Krav Maga with Firearms

Ștefan Lazăr is a graduate of the Faculty of Psychology, and he further pursued a master’s degree in the field of organizational psychology. He is a former military officer with over 16 years of experience in special forces units, where he has accumulated a significant amount of knowledge and expertise due to his specific activities both domestically and in operational theaters. In 2010, he actively participated in the establishment of a shooting instructors’ corps, implementing a training and evaluation system for the Anti-Terrorist Brigade within the Romanian Intelligence Service, and was involved in developing programs tailored to the types of activities carried out. He introduces us to the world of Krav Maga and firearms (shooting at the shooting range).

Krav Maga is the Israeli martial art of self-defense, consisting of a wide combination of techniques derived from ju-jitsu, Muay Thai, boxing, judo, and karate. It is known for its focus on real-world situations and efficient counterattacks. What is your experience with Krav Maga? When did you take your first steps into this realm, and what attracted you to this type of training?

I wish to mention, right from the beginning, that I first came into contact with martial arts during my adolescence, experiencing almost every accessible martial discipline. Among these, I will mention Japanese martial arts, as they are the most popular in our country (karate, judo, ju-jitsu, Aikido). As a result of dedicated work and nearly ten years of consistent practice, my accumulated experience materialized through participation in numerous championships, where I achieved top placements. Additionally, I have progressed through various levels of proficiency, achieving a 2nd Dan black belt in Ju-Jitsu and a 1st Dan black belt in Karate.

Personally, I became acquainted with Krav Maga during a training program focused on the exchange of experience, organized by the Antiterrorist Brigade, where several units of Israeli special forces were present. In a very short time, I discovered the principles of Krav Maga, presented by the Israeli instructors, and from the perspective of close combat, I found many elements that were similar to the mode of action of special units.

Another important characteristic is that the training program is oriented towards conflict situations that may arise in everyday life, creating training scenarios based on the application and efficiency of techniques acquired in fighting against one or more aggressors. Krav Maga has been the answer to my questions and concerns throughout all the years dedicated to martial arts. I make this statement because my concern has always been oriented towards resolving crisis situations that can have serious consequences, and to a lesser extent, towards sports performance.

Contact sports have a significant disadvantage, namely, they prepare athletes for an organized event that takes place in a well-defined setting. There is a set date for the competition, a well-drawn ring, a referee, an age category, a weight category, medical assistance, etc., which is why the sports fighter is positioned in a comfort zone and is protected by protective equipment and imposed rules.

In a real situation, none of the above exists, and even more, the consequences can be devastating, even tragic.

We differ in sex, height, weight; some of us are endowed with natural strength, while others acquire it through training.

But how can we respond effectively to a threat that overwhelms us from almost every point of view? From my perspective, Krav Maga perfectly complements these “shortcomings” because beyond the specific physical movements of close combat, Krav Maga comes with a whole set of exercises and psychological concepts designed to provide real chances in critical situations.

In Krav Maga, we often say that any action we take without a well-defined and reality-based psychological preparation has real chances of being a total failure. For a Krav Maga practitioner, psychological training represents the foundation upon which the entire set of skills is built, and if, for a sportsman, second place is acceptable, for a Krav Maga practitioner, there is no second place.

Gunfire means focus, aim, dexterity, adrenaline. Where does the passion for the shooting range come from?

As I mentioned earlier, my entire professional activity has developed and focused on a military career, and for a military person who chooses to orient their career towards activities with a “very special” profile, well, they must incorporate specific attitudes and skills into their knowledge base. Firearm shootings represent one of the fundamental aspects in the life of a fighter.

Is there a connection between the two types of activities, namely Krav Maga and the shooting range? How do the two workouts fit together?

This is a very interesting question because, in my opinion, both activities cannot provide an efficient solution in the face of different highly dangerous situations. Generally, individuals who focus on personal security tend to concentrate exclusively on one activity. They either practice Krav Maga or focus solely on tactical shooting.

I believe this is a mistake because unforeseen conflict situations that can arise at any moment do not fit within the boundaries or standards of regulations based on any discipline, as is the case in any sports event. Here, anything is possible, and the escalation of conflict knows no limits.

There have been situations where a simple and innocent conflict resulted in tragic consequences. Unfortunately, not all conflict situations are black or white! There are many circumstances that fall into the gray area, where individuals must make difficult decisions in a very short time. The complexity and evolution of the conflict, as well as the dynamics resulting from the actions of both parties, can push the conflict towards extremes. Relying solely on personal training centered on one of the two activities is a fundamental mistake. Let us not forget that when the balance of power is not equal, any hand-to-hand combat technique loses ground against a large number of opponents, especially when they use various weapons against us.

What are the basic principles of Krav Maga training and who is this concept for?

Krav Maga is a discipline focused on efficiency in various dangerous situations, without imposing specific age, gender, or physical ability criteria. Essentially, any individual concerned about personal safety or the safety of loved ones can find a strong ally in the methods and concepts of Krav Maga to achieve their intended goal.

Krav Maga is not a discipline oriented towards sports performance; therefore, it lacks the classic competitive element where two practitioners fight according to a set of rules. Krav Maga practitioners are not subjected to a well-defined set of rules, and you will never hear in the training hall that “this strike is prohibited by the rules” or “do not use this technique, as the referee will penalize you.” The Krav Maga practitioner has one goal, and that is to find an efficient and viable response in resolving crisis situations!

Krav Maga employs numerous exercises aimed at perfecting technical elements, but every practitioner of this training knows that psychological preparation is fundamental. The delivered programs offer a whole range of benefits that manifest from the beginning of practice, but the ones acquired through continuous practice over time are crucial. In other words, Krav Maga is a fighting system that continuously concerns itself with developing and constantly adapting to social phenomena and the psychological aspects of life.

Krav Maga training programs support students in developing the necessary aspects to handle unforeseen situations. These include confidence in one’s abilities, a realistic view of situations with stress factors, adaptability to changes, making correct decisions in a very short time, physical conditioning, reflex development, discipline, integrity, as well as crisis management, among other benefits. As mentioned earlier, psychological preparation plays a significant role.

I heard more and more the notion of psychological preparation. What does this notion consist of and what are its benefits both in Krav Maga practice and in shooting from the range?

Psychological preparation is a set of general measures aimed at developing those aspects of the psychological life required by defensive activities and actions to achieve significant progress in the training process and maximize performance. Good psychological preparation ensures the mobilization of physical and mental resources at the right moment, the development of self-control and self-management abilities, flexible and efficient adaptation to variable or unusual situations that may arise, and optimization of psychological and physical processes, functions, and states, preventing excessive psychological and physical strain or the deterioration of mental and physical capacities.

The most important objectives of psychological preparation are:
• Developing the capacity for independent analysis and assessment of situations (cultivating self-critical sense)
• Developing tactical thinking
• Developing the ability to overcome negative emotions
• Cultivating behavioral and emotional self-control in stressful situations
• Cultivating the spirit of observation
• Cultivating qualities of attention
• Cultivating thinking skills (independent reasoning, critical judgment)
• Cultivating imagination and creativity

A significant importance lies in the adequate perception of the environment, especially the elements in the environment that pose a direct threat. These specialized perceptions are accomplished through the formation of very subtle differentiations at the level of the cerebral cortex. The assimilation of perceived objects and forms, as well as the rapid resolution of potential problems, depend on the level of development of thinking.

Developed thinking allows a person to quickly grasp problems, identify key elements, and easily choose the most appropriate solutions from acquired knowledge and skills and apply them promptly. Flexible thinking enables a person to adapt easily and rapidly to the environment and changes that occur, without clinging to pre-established action patterns that would prove ineffective in real action conditions.

Introduce us to the defining elements of range training and what is its real-life applicability?

We can say that pistol shooting at the shooting range is divided into two distinct categories.

The first category is “precision shooting,” where shooting begins at standard distances ranging from 10 to 25 meters. The shooter executes the shots from a fixed position aiming at a specific target. The goal is to achieve precise and accurate shots within an unlimited time interval.

The second category is “shooting on the move,” which involves acquiring and mastering shooting techniques while ensuring safety. In this category, the shooter is not in a fixed position but rather has to move throughout the shooting range, delivering successive shots at one or more targets while on the move and using various elements in the shooting range’s layout. In other words, each shooting session is designed based on a scenario (such as an attack at a supermarket, a home invasion, pizza delivery, etc.), and the shooting range is set up accordingly to simulate the chosen scenario.

I have designed scenarios where the light in the shooting range was reduced almost to zero, and the shooters identified targets and their path using tactical flashlights mounted on their firearms. It is evident that good control of the acquired techniques is more than necessary for conducting shooting sessions safely.

I can tell you that firearm shooting activity has three purposes:

1. The first purpose is driven by entertainment and curiosity, where individuals wish to experience shooting with a real firearm, adding this unique experience to their repertoire to share with family, friends, or colleagues. Just like in Krav Maga training, shooting at the range is an opportunity to transform accumulated stress and negative tensions into positive energy. I must mention that I responded to the challenge posed by my colleagues at the GunPro shooting range in Otopeni to design dynamic shooting sessions that are simple and accessible to those who wish to try this activity while being both challenging, enjoyable, and productive.

2. The second purpose pertains to individuals who seek to engage in competitive sports. They benefit from specific training sessions. I won’t hide the fact that I prepare and organize monthly competitive sports events specifically focused on shooting on the move. Here, athletes have the opportunity to test their acquired shooting techniques in a competitive environment, where scenarios are complex and dynamic. These sporting competitions are also an excellent opportunity to form friendships with athletes from both our country and abroad since these sports events, although not widely popular, attract enthusiasts from all over. In our country, we have reached the 10th competitive edition, and starting this year, together with an exceptional team, we will launch a new competitive season that will include cities such as Bucharest, Constanța, Brașov, Cluj, and Timișoara.

3. The last category is the dearest to me as it is closely related to my professional side and offers the widest range of training. It does not adhere to the standard rules of competitive events. Here, I refer to shooting at close distances, or as I like to call it, Close Quarter Shooting.

To master close-quarter shooting techniques, additional knowledge is required, including much more complex training methods, such as close-quarters combat where the focus is primarily on dynamic methods and procedures used in an urban environment. This includes the approach to and entry into various buildings, as well as how to handle different interior situations.

I previously mentioned the need for a harmonious and necessary complement with the specific combat methods of Krav Maga. In the Close Quarter Shooting program, we encounter shooting scenarios that begin with Krav Maga-specific combat or disarmament techniques.

This aspect of training was initially centered around personnel in the national security and defense system and private security sector, seeking performance improvement and professional readiness. Due to the nature of their work, the need for a more extensive and diversified program was genuinely essential in fulfilling their duties. Surprisingly, over the years, I have witnessed a growing demand from individuals not belonging to the aforementioned professional sphere but from various professional backgrounds who have recognized the necessity for a different concept that brings added value to personal security. Therefore, in 2015, I adapted this program to meet these new needs, providing students with a comprehensive concept tailored to current situations.

With joy, I can confirm that, observing the evolution of students practicing both disciplines, I have noted that not only physical abilities have developed through practice but also a harmonious balance in their psychological well-being. Maturity and a responsible approach to different situations have opened doors to personal growth, forming strong and self-confident characters. These traits developed through specific training programs not only support practitioners in combat extreme situations but also leave a mark on their actions in daily life.

Do you have any specific steps you’ve set out to take in terms of career/business?

After retiring, I developed three distinct areas of specialized training, where, as mentioned earlier, the emphasis on realism and strong psychological preparation is defining.

Ştefan Lazăr Sports – The Art of Dynamic Sports – is a club that focuses on outdoor applications, with its “office” located on mountain trails or peaks, or in the depths of the seas.

The club organizes sessions of rock climbing, caving, mountain hiking, as well as survival camps and land orientation. Another major activity of the club is diving in the sea.

Ştefan Lazăr Tactics and Firearms Training – this concept supports those who wish to experience shooting practice at the shooting range, as well as individuals who aim to overcome the barrier of curiosity and benefit from well-conceived programs tailored to their personal needs.

Ştefan Lazăr Fight Club – is the place where we develop the ability to face combat-related challenges. I can say that the diversity of martial arts within the club is quite varied.

Currently, the club is constructing a new building that will have two floors dedicated to martial arts disciplines. This will allow training with modern and appropriate equipment for martial arts, within a space meeting European standards.

Healthy lifestyle! Do you have a routine that you stick to?

A healthy lifestyle is a balanced way of living that aligns with daily needs and personal goals or aspirations. For me, a healthy lifestyle is a method that keeps me in good physical and mental condition, enabling me to handle any challenges or demands that arise at any given moment in life.

I don’t believe there is a universally applicable healthy lifestyle. What works well for someone else may not work for me. We are all different, with diverse passions and unique objectives we aim to achieve.

Once we identify the direction we want to pursue and align ourselves with a specific organization or activity, embracing its principles, we will understand the necessary requirements to develop our performance. Once we commit to these goals, naturally, our lifestyle will adapt to meet those needs.

I always tell practitioners to embrace challenges, as they are the ones that truly reveal who we are.

Written by
Mihaela Fitzpatrick

Mihaela Fitzpatrick este Directorul și Fondatorul FormaSheFitness, unde supervizează afacerea și brandul pe întregul spectru de platforme online, digitale și print. Cu o experiență de peste 10 ani în industria wellness-ului, Mihaela se dedică scrierii, editării de conținut, gestionării proiectelor online și dezvoltării strategiilor de social media. Este absolventă a European School of Economics din Londra, unde a finalizat un program postuniversitar în Event Management, și, totodată, absolventă a Universității Româno-Americană, unde a absolvit un Master în Administrarea Afacerilor în Turism, precum, a obținut și o licență în Drept. Mihaela este responsabilă de gestionarea tuturor activităților corelate cu FormaSheFitness, inclusiv: Redactarea, editarea și publicarea conținutului aferent revistelor tipărite și online, bannerelor și videoclipurilor. Organizarea de evenimente, planificare și prezentări, inclusiv călătorii în diverse orașe și locații pentru evenimente, crearea de rețele și dezvoltarea oportunităților de afaceri. Organizarea și gestionarea tuturor filmărilor și shooting-urilor, selectarea locațiilor, crearea conceptelor, alcătuirea echipei, supravegherea filmărilor, shooting-urilor, selectarea și editarea conținutului pentru revista hard print și online, ori pentru contentul online. În momentele în care nu este implicată în munca dificilă de construire a afacerii, de gestionare și generare de idei noi pentru FormaSheFitness, Mihaela explorează lumea, călătorește alături de Shiba Inu-ul său, “Foxy”, și “așterne pe tastatură” experiențele dedicate călătoriilor fit și excursiilor prietenoase cu animalele de companie. Mihaela are un stil de viată activ și iubește activitatea fizică sub toate formele sale – exerciții fizice, inclusiv antrenamentele la domiciliu, în sală și în mijlocul naturii. Crede cu tărie, că sănătatea și fitness-ul ar trebui să fie o plăcere și susține importanța de a nu fi, doar, în formă și sănătoși, ci, și de a evidenția acest aspect. Site-ul FormaSheFitness, revista și magazinul online au fost create pentru femeile moderne și active, care apreciază sănătatea fizică și mintală, fitness-ul, frumusețea, sportul, moda în fitness și călătoriile sănătoase.

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