Home Magazine Inspiring women – Veronica Alexe Miona

Inspiring women – Veronica Alexe Miona

Veronica Alexe Miona

The Woman Who Successfully Manages the Three Dimensions of Life – Career, Social Life, and Personal Life

Veronica Alexe Miona is the woman behind the renowned Fitness Scandinavia School, Veronicayogastyle, the articles that have delighted readers in various publications, a mother of two wonderful boys, and the life partner of the person who introduced the concept of a “national sports event” in Romania, Richmond Bachia. The ingenuity with which she “dances” between the spheres of career, private life, and social life is the “real exemplification” that everything boils down to dedication, focus, time, energy, and action.

Veronica Alexe Miona

What prompted you to transition from the role of founder and manager of the “Fitness Scandinavia” fitness school to the role of a student in one of the courses offered by the same school and then to become the founder of Veronicayogalife?

I have always been both a student and the founder of the fitness school. I have always enjoyed testing the products we offer because I believe it is relevant to see what is happening in your business from all stages and perspectives. I have attended almost all the courses offered by the school I am involved in managing – bossu, yoga, fitness, and more.

I am delighted to be in the role of a student; it is my favorite role.

I approached the yoga field because it truly represented a necessity for finding my mental and emotional balance, especially as a dynamic and energetic person. Yoga entered my life very naturally, and my body immediately embraced it, bringing balance to many aspects, including mentally. This practice has brought me benefits, so I decided to share it with others by laying the foundations of the Veronicayogalife concept.

Through Veronicayogalife, I aim to reach the segment of people who may have never had a yoga session or simply feel the need to understand the meaning of yoga in detail.

Speaking previously about your preference for the role of a student over that of a disciple, both roles undoubtedly evoke different feelings. Could you briefly describe the experiences associated with these two positions, as a teacher and as a student?

As a student, there is a thirst for knowledge, and the emotion I can associate with it is a feeling of fulfillment, a kind of growth, both spiritually and intellectually. It is the satisfaction of assimilating something new and, at the same time, belonging to a group, which is an important component of the student role. You become part of a community, learn alongside other people, and create connections while unraveling the unknown.

The role of a teacher is equally dear to me, with the difference lying in the state of flow it instills. As a teacher, the emotion is deeper because the feeling of giving is involved. There is this archetype in the teacher’s world, a strong internal drive that makes you want to provide students with the acquired resources without any reservation.

Veronica Alexe Miona

When was the Fitness Scandinavia school founded, and how was the concept received at that time?

Giving credit where credit is due, I will say that the decision to organize the International Fitness Convention Romania, the first edition, alongside World Class Romania, belonged to my life partner, Richmond Bachia.

Regarding the foundation of the Fitness Scandinavia school, the groundwork was laid in 2009, and things progressed in such a way that I became “captivated” by this project, even though nothing was planned at that time as

I was involved in a completely different job, in a different business sector.

We started by organizing workshops, inviting internationally accredited trainers, which were very well received by those interested in the field. At that time, there was no education in the fitness field on the Romanian market, and that was the initial impetus.

Mostly, the beginning was about testing the market through workshops, and then gradually we started building the administrative process of the school. Well-known trainers from Romania of that time passed through the workshops created by Fitness Scandinavia School.

You have been involved in organizing some of the most significant sports events in Romania – the International Fitness Convention Romania and the Yoga Festival Romania. Which role do you identify with more – the event manager or the instructor of one of the classes in the events you have contributed to planning?

My first instinct is to say that I identify more with the role of an organizer, as I have been involved in the production of sports events for almost a decade. It somehow runs in my veins, even though the effort put into organizing such large-scale events is exhausting. But when you aim to provide quality experiences to the participants, you plan the details meticulously.

As an instructor, I have been present on the stage of the events I have managed only twice, and that is because it is challenging to juggle emotions, especially for the yoga part that I teach.

Alongside the team members, focusing on every detail of the event, I am automatically in a position of action, energy. However, to be able to lead a yoga class in the described situation, I need to change my state of mind and convey calmness, tranquility, and composure, which is very challenging to do simultaneously. This is the main reason why I prefer to teach classes at other similar events or participate, for the inspirational aspect, in international events.

Veronica Alexe Miona

Veronicayogalife is your heartfelt project, without minimizing the importance of other concepts that you have made your mark on. What is the story behind Veronicayogalife?

The decision to found the Fitness Scandinavia school was made in 2009, and things evolved in such a way that I became captivated by this project, even though nothing was planned at that time. I was involved in a completely different job and business sector.
Veronicayogalife currently represents a heartfelt project, and its main objective is to share from personal experience, yoga.

Yoga being a part of your life and practicing it consistently, each time you set certain intentions before starting the practice. Depending on what principles do you set these intentions?

It’s not necessarily a daily intention. Often, I set a thought for a longer period, and most of the time, it’s related to the experiences I’m going through in that specific moment of my life. The emotions I feel become the inspiration.

The intention arises from a pain caused by something specific, from a pleasure, or from a certain motive. It’s an emotional and spiritual component, connected to my purpose and mission in life. I don’t have a predetermined plan; it’s something that comes along with the circumstances.

I like to listen to my intuition and rely on the things I feel in that moment. Everything comes naturally.

Veronica Alexe Miona

You dabble in writing for various publications. Is it easy for you to express your thoughts through the keyboard? Do you have a favorite place where you create, which inspires you? Does the fluency of words depend on your mood, or does writing relax you?

The fluidity in writing is present when I’m in a certain mood. The more centered and connected I am with myself, the more fluent things become. Currently, there is a space in my home where I usually sit and write, which I wouldn’t call a favorite but rather satisfying.

Of course, I dream that when I’m in different destinations, I’ll write various articles on the keyboard, but that never happens because my family accompanies me, and other priorities naturally come into play. However, I do wish to have a specially designed place for writing.

Sometimes, when I write, other things relax me, such as meeting a deadline. Being “pushed” and not being in my flow zone, it’s not necessarily easy, but it’s not unpleasant either. Ideas flow, and the fear is not to be repetitive in expression.

Since I don’t want to put pressure, and in certain stages of life, I prioritize certain things over others, I’m sure that from now on, if it becomes necessary to write more often, I will make that happen.

One of the most beautiful but also challenging things is working with people. What is your experience in interacting with people?

There are many perspectives, and I have worked with people from various viewpoints. Business people, team members, school collaborators, and students, so I have gone through different experiences.
I really enjoy working with people, but at the same time, I started practicing yoga consistently because I was working with people, and I felt that they absorbed every bit of my energy.

What I learned through yoga practice was how not to let myself be drained of energy and how to create certain barriers in this regard.
Working with people also involves many unpleasant experiences because people tend to project what they are not willing to take responsibility for onto others. And in the context of the activities we carry out, such as a school, as an educator, it’s very easy to become the target of such events.

However, the satisfaction outweighs the difficulties. It is essential to like and love people, to have direct contact with them, and at the same time, to love yourself because everything that gives you the ability to work with people stems from this point of authenticity, love, and acceptance that these individuals, like everyone else, have moments when they encounter difficulties, project them outward, and direct them toward you. The important thing is not to take them personally.

What are three defining elements that characterize Veronica Miona Alexe?

Energy, patience, compassion.

I bring energy into a room.
Patience is something I have “cultivated.”
Compassion represents the motivation to help.

Written by
Mihaela Fitzpatrick

Mihaela Fitzpatrick este Directorul și Fondatorul FormaSheFitness, unde supervizează afacerea și brandul pe întregul spectru de platforme online, digitale și print. Cu o experiență de peste 10 ani în industria wellness-ului, Mihaela se dedică scrierii, editării de conținut, gestionării proiectelor online și dezvoltării strategiilor de social media. Este absolventă a European School of Economics din Londra, unde a finalizat un program postuniversitar în Event Management, și, totodată, absolventă a Universității Româno-Americană, unde a absolvit un Master în Administrarea Afacerilor în Turism, precum, a obținut și o licență în Drept. Mihaela este responsabilă de gestionarea tuturor activităților corelate cu FormaSheFitness, inclusiv: Redactarea, editarea și publicarea conținutului aferent revistelor tipărite și online, bannerelor și videoclipurilor. Organizarea de evenimente, planificare și prezentări, inclusiv călătorii în diverse orașe și locații pentru evenimente, crearea de rețele și dezvoltarea oportunităților de afaceri. Organizarea și gestionarea tuturor filmărilor și shooting-urilor, selectarea locațiilor, crearea conceptelor, alcătuirea echipei, supravegherea filmărilor, shooting-urilor, selectarea și editarea conținutului pentru revista hard print și online, ori pentru contentul online. În momentele în care nu este implicată în munca dificilă de construire a afacerii, de gestionare și generare de idei noi pentru FormaSheFitness, Mihaela explorează lumea, călătorește alături de Shiba Inu-ul său, “Foxy”, și “așterne pe tastatură” experiențele dedicate călătoriilor fit și excursiilor prietenoase cu animalele de companie. Mihaela are un stil de viată activ și iubește activitatea fizică sub toate formele sale – exerciții fizice, inclusiv antrenamentele la domiciliu, în sală și în mijlocul naturii. Crede cu tărie, că sănătatea și fitness-ul ar trebui să fie o plăcere și susține importanța de a nu fi, doar, în formă și sănătoși, ci, și de a evidenția acest aspect. Site-ul FormaSheFitness, revista și magazinul online au fost create pentru femeile moderne și active, care apreciază sănătatea fizică și mintală, fitness-ul, frumusețea, sportul, moda în fitness și călătoriile sănătoase.

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